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The evening is getting closer and everything is set up. I'm actually quite excited, this is my first real highschool party. Rodrick arrives first, holding a present. "Wow..." he says, but he isn't looking at Heather. He's looking at me. Heather doesn't notice, she runs up to him. "What did you get me? It better be a ring or something good," she says. What a spoiled brat. She opens the present, it's a sparkly flask that matches her dress. I can see she was hoping for jewellery, but she kisses him anyway. She kisses him for too long, so I walk out of the room. I help Tiffany bring out all the food. All of Heather's friends start arriving, and I start to feel anxious as they're all so grown up and the girls don't look so friendly.

"Y/n, come sit out here," Heather pulls me away from the food and brings me to sit with her friends and Rodrick. Rodrick also has all his friends from his band here. "You better have a good song to perform tonight. Not like last year," Heather says. But something is off with Rodrick. He isn't paying attention to her like he should. Whatever drink she offers him, he chooses what I have. Whatever she says, he disagrees. When she tries to be all touchy with him, he flinches. And his eyes seem to be stuck on me. Heather starts to notice this, and she looks at me. "So, hows your boyfriend y/n? What was his name... Ben?"'she asks. "Oh we broke up. You know, long distance," I say. "Or he just never existed? So you can stop staring at my boyfriend now and leave us alone," she says. Her friends stare at me and I feel my cheeks getting hot, so I just walk away to my caravan and lock the door.

I lie on my bed feeling humiliated. Moving here was the worst thing that has ever happened. Through my curtains, I can see Rodrick and his band setting up. Everyone crowds around to watch. He is playing the drums and one of the members is singing a song, about 'forbidden love'. I know it's not about Heather.  It's close to 12am and everyone starts to leave. Rodrick is packing up his equipment when Heather starts yelling at him. "What was that shitty song all about?" she asks. "Well I'm sorry my songs are never good enough for you," he says. "It's because you've got for the hots for your freaky little friend, isn't it!" Heather says. "Don't call her that," he says. "Have her. You two suit eachother anyway. I could get any guy I want, I only settled for you because you were willing to do anything for me. Kinda embarrassing really," she says, storming off. Rodrick stops and glances towards the caravan, but he continues to walk away.

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