Same old, same old

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Me and Murdoc used to be good friends he was a bit older than me but I remember us going to the back of the convenience store and lighting a ciggy with him. He liked to do things the "Murdoc Niccals way!" I always admired him because of that, he didn't care what anyone told him, he'd rather be drinking rum. A bit after I met Murdoc, I met Ace he was certainly a charmer and he had his own gang called it the gangrene gang he would also never take off those cool black glasses either, he was pretty cool and about the same age as me. So me, Ace, and Murdoc usually hung out together but Ace would never smoke a cigar he would go on about how they'd ruin your lungs or something like that, he was a funny guy but that's what made Ace well...Ace! 

A few years went by and I lost contact with Ace, I was still with Murdoc though, he said he would make the greatest band ever made! Even though we're older now he still had the same spark as we did when we were kids. Then the day August 15th, 1997 hit, LITERALLY! Murdoc hit a guy with his car trying to steal instruments, I would know I was in the car, he was laughing so hard he couldn't hear the cops coming which got us both 30,000 hours of community service and we had to take care of the silly sod. THEN! Murdoc was trying to impress some chicks and threw the poor lad out the window, but when he stood up, me and Murdoc knew he had to be the frontman. So that's how Gorillaz pretty much started and how I became the manager, along with Russell and Noodle coming in as Drums and guitar, well we had a band!

My job was to book concerts, help release albums the usual things managers would do sometimes I would also sing as a backup but that was really it. I lived in Kong studios with the rest of the band and usually stuck with Murdoc and his adventures especially through Plastic beach and don't get me started on that. Suddenly though Murdoc went to jail because of a guy called El mierda, I have no idea who that is but he's definitely not a friend. 

One day at Kong studios:

I was trying to figure out how we could make an album without Murdoc, and we couldn't afford another bassist since we needed the funds for the album itself and music videos. "This is going to be harder than I thought." *Knock Knock* "Come in!" I yelled, it was Russell "Hey y/n, I would just like you to know we have an interview with a bassist coming today." he's just coming into play no pay at all?" "Yeah said he wanted to come and play for us since he used to know Murdoc and that's it" he looked at the paper in his hand, "Well what's his name, who is he?" Russell smiled "you won't believe who it is" "Who?!" I said intriguingly, "Ace from the Powerpuff girls! I know you and noodle love that show and you specifically watched the gangrene gang episodes." he laughed while he said that, 

"Its nothing like that me and him just go way back, so it was cool to see him on tv its been years since those episodes though." I did kind of have a small crush on him when I saw the episodes with him in it but that was a long time ago. "Well, when he gets here come down alright?" he closed the door leaving me to more work. "Wow, I'm finally going to see Ace again what a world!"

 Then I heard the doorbell ring. My head popped up. "Ace!" I ran downstairs seeing him laying on the couch. I was speechless but then he broke my silence. "Y/n! What are you doing here, I didn't know you lived here too! He hugged me and I hugged back "Ace! It's unbelievable I can't believe after all these years you're finally here!" We sat on the couch and started talking. "Yeah, so Murdoc was able to text me and told me he was in jail and needed someone to play bass for his band so that's why I'm here!" I giggled "What's so funny?" I turned to him "Oh nothing it's just you still have the same glasses you had when you were a kid it's cute!" I laughed lighting a cigarette "Cute eh the only thing cute is your crush on Murdoc" now he started laughing "What I don't even?!" he grabbed the cigar out of my mouth 

"You know these are bad for you right?" he smiled and put it into the ashtray on the table. 

You're the same old Ace you haven't changed one bit.

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