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I woke up to more tweets about the #freemurdoc campaign I couldn't help but laugh "dumbass" I mumbled to myself with laughter. I went downstairs to see ace making breakfast "Mornin sweetheart how'd ya sleep" he was making eggs and pancakes, "tell me ace do you eat green eggs and ham" I giggled "you've been in a good mood lately wassup" He continued to mix the pancake batter "Can't a girl be happy once in a while especially looking at you." "Aint you cute" he handed me some of the eggs and pancakes he made "Wow! these are amazing!" I ate them in what seemed like a minute "Their my own recipe used to make them for the gang, they loved them too," He smiled softly and grabbed my hand. "Cmon I wanna take you somewhere" Ace led me to his motorcycle "where are we going?" I questioned him "you'll see" he spoke dramatically 

I always liked his motorcycle mostly how the air feels flowing through your hair while driving, it was nice. "here we are" in front of me was a large garden maze, the entrance had different kinds of flowers, it was beautiful. "I used to come here when I was little it was always gorgeous, just like you dollface," I blushed red and Ace led me into the maze. 

"there's a certain part I want to show you. a few minutes later we were in front of a doorway with vines and roses. he then grabbed my hand and took me inside. I never saw something so beautiful, it was a garden with a bench and a white arch with roses tied around it, and to surround it there were pink and white flowers all around the garden. "I always said to myself this was the place I would go with my love." I looked at him blushing "Your love?" I held my breath "I think what I'm trying to say is that... I love you," I let go of my breath and moved forward. but when I moved I tripped on a vine and we both fell. I tilted my head up to see I was on top of Ace he laughed and gently grabbed my face. suddenly I was felt by a kiss, a kiss I never wanted to end, I hugged him and held onto him he was very warm like he usually was and there I said it,

"I love you too"

After we went to the maze we headed home to see Russel and 2d were on the couch "Where were you guys!?" 2d exclaimed I looked around "Wheres noodle?" Russel handed me a paper 

"I'm going out to find Murdoc and some information on el mierda I'll be back once I find him, love~ Noodle."

 I looked at Russel "Shit" I put my hand over my mouth "Were just going to have to hope shes okay." Russel spoke and looked down, 2d looked irritated, more than he was last night. 

I went up to my room and tried to text Noodle but no luck there wasn't any service. then there was a knock on my door. "come in" it was 2d "alright tell me the truth" he looked at me with a serious look, "what do you mean?" I looked at him with a confused look on my face, he sighed "I mean you and Ace, y'know the guy you were out with alone for almost 3 hours." he sighed "well me and Ace we're just really good friends." 2d lit a cigar "you're such a bad liar." he looked away smoke coming out of the cigarette in his mouth, "Don't get me wrong I want you to be happy but with Noodle missing I can't think about anything else." he sat on the bed next to me. Noodle is like a sister to him I couldn't imagine what he was thinking. "Russels pretty torn about it too he's been in his room all day trying to find noodle." Was this my fault if I haven't gone out with Ace maybe I could've caught noodle. "No matter what 'D we're going to find noodle I know it." I pulled him into a hug to comfort him. I looked at my stuff I knew what I was going to do.

1:00 am:

I packed some stuff to help me. Russ and 2d didn't deserve this, I remember the looks of fear and sadness after the El Manana incident. The thoughts of her being dead or hurt. I made my way to the door when I was stopped  "I thought you were going to do this." Ace frowned "Look Ace I need to go, I need to find her!" he looked me in the eye "Do you even know what you're doing or even better where you're going!" 

"I don't wanna see Russel and 'D like this anymore!"

"So what! you're going to go to without even a goodbye and leave them even more worried!"

"It's for the best!"

"No! it's only the best for you, find Noodle, and find Murdoc too!"

"What are you saying!"

"That you're still in love with Murdoc and only care about him and not the others!"

Ace fell to his knees "that you don't care about me as much as him..." I sat down next to him and held his face "I meant it when I said I loved you, no one could ever replace you." I spoke and cried "Oh don't cry dollface I hate it when you cry." he held me in his arms "so please don't go y/n... don't go, 'cause if you go I won't be able to hug you when you're cold or see you your adorable smile anymore" we both began to hold each other until I fell asleep.

I woke up to see Ace next to me. He took me into my room and slept next to me. I then saw he was holding my hand. I put my arms around him "Morning love" Ace then put his hands on mine. "You slept next to me?" I smiled at him "you looked so sad I couldn't leave you alone" he kissed me on the cheek "I'm sorry ace, I was selfish I shouldn't have tried to leave I was stupid." he tilted my head up "I'm sorry too you just wanted to get Noodle back and I assumed the worst." I got his glasses from on top of the drawer and put them on him,

"I love you Ace,"

"I love you too dollface."

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