My heart tells me...

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That night we all went to the pub we usually go to. just me, Ace, Russel, Noodle, and Murdoc. Ace sat next to me and held my hand under the table, but I pulled my hand away I just wasn't ready yet. I did want to see Ace like I did before but we hadn't even talked about what happened yet. During that night I drank and chatted with everyone except for Ace he seemed quiet. I noticed Murdoc was also glaring at me from time to time but maybe It was just me. 

Murdoc's pov:

Days in prison made me realize something... That bloody hell I needed some good rum! Anyways y/n arrived after a whole week of catastrophic things with her "boyfriend" Ace, I think they made up its all so confusing but that what rums for! And I'll admit I was kinda looking at y/n but who doesn't look at a pretty gal...a very pretty gal. But while I was looking at the lady's at the pub 2d was staring daggers at me! What did I do to that annoying sod, except for kidnap and abuse him on Plastic beach to make a bloody album but I mean someone had to do it!

 All night all we did was drink and talk. Until an announcement came on saying it was dance night. That's when y/n started to get up "Dollfa- y/n, you're too drunk and you remember what happened last time." Ace tried to talk her out of it "Let go of me I feel great!" I laughed to myself "I'll go get her no need to worry Acey!" I was still pretty sober I got better at controlling myself from drinking too much guess jail helped that too.

I saw y/n dancing on the dancefloor. Last time I got nearly close to a dancefloor I got thrown in jail afterwards. "Alright, Luv its time to tone it down come on." I tried to drag her back but she grabbed onto me "it wouldn't kill you to dance!" she grabbed my arms and started to dance with me. I pulled her close to me to try and drag her off the dance floor " cmon I don't want you to drop dead on the floor Luv." she leaned closer to my face "you have very pretty eyes," I got flustered "your too sweet Luv, now cmon." 

I started dancing with her trying to lean her back towards the table, she put her head on my shoulder "I always liked you y'know," I blushed slightly "You must be really drunk eh Luv?" she laughed  "Wait until you realize I'm actually sober," she laughed at me and I blushed even harder "and I'm supposed to believe that?" she smiled at me "Which one? that I'm sober or I like you? Cause both are true, I just needed to get away from the tension."

 a slow song came on "tension whadaya mean?" she sighed "You're telling me that you didn't see 2d staring intensely at you, you guys need to seriously start getting along, and well Ace..." she started tearing up "oh don't cry Luv." I held her while we danced "can we go home just you and me." her voice was whispery "of course dear." 

While we were walking she would walk a bit behind me "Do you want me to carry you, it must be hard to walk in those heels." she nodded and got on my back. It was dark and the stars were out while walking I hummed the theme to Santa Monica Dream.

"I love that song," she said "wait until you hear my singing." she laughed "your voice is enough to soothe me." I think I blushed a bit "The sky is beautiful." I said to her, "the enchantress in the moon makes it that way." 

We finally got back home and I brought her to her room. She patted her bed telling me to sit down next to her. She put her head on my shoulder "I'm confused Murdoc." I held her hand it was still warm even after being out in the cold weather, "What are you confused about Luv?" "Remember when you asked me what I wanted while you were in jail?" "Yeah?" she squeezed my hand "what if I don't know what I want? what do I do then?" she lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me "Sometimes you have to go what with your hearts telling you to do." she started fiddling with the cross on my neck. I then put my fingers through her hair, she looked at me. "My hearts telling me yes." I looked at her grinning a bit, then she started leaning towards me slowly, I closed my eyes.

"but my hearts also telling me no."

Y/n's pov:

Murdoc leaned back away, "Luv..." I put my thumb on my lip, "because I'm still in love with Ace..." I looked down. Murdoc had a look of shame on his face, I felt guilty he then suddenly stood up and left the room. I stood up and looked out the window, I saw the moon the big shining orb in the sky. I then realized... I realized "God dammit I love Ace!" my face flustered and my stomach had butterflies, the stars glowed brighter as my realization that I loved Ace more than anything or anyone grew.

I then heard yelling from downstairs, I went to check it out "Get the hell out of my way faceache!" It was Murdoc he was yelling at 2d "Make me!" 2d yelled back, Murdoc put his fists up ready to fight, I then stepped in "Murdoc stop it!" I pulled him back and held him, he then started sniffling "Mudz..." I kept holding him "If you need me I'll be in my room." he pulled away from my grip and went upstairs.

I looked at 2d, Russel, and Noodle "Wheres Ace?" my heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest it pumped so hard "He said he was going to stay at the bar a little while longer" Russel explained to me. I needed to go, I needed to find him...Ace! 

I left for the door running until I saw Ace's motorcycle I suddenly had an idea. I started it up and put his helmet on I then rode to the pub we were at. I busted through the doors but it was about to close up and no one was there. I then asked the bartender if he saw him "the guy with the slicked-back hair and glasses? yeah, I saw him wouldn't stop talking about a girl kept saying how she was the most beautiful thing and that he would spend the rest of their lives with her, must've been one hell of a gal!" I blushed hard "Did he say where he was going?" he looked up in thought "umm no, but he did mention something about a garden a lot." I smiled "Thank you!" I ran out the door "your welcome?" the bartender said on my way out. I started back up the motorcycle

"Im coming Ace!"


Okay!!!! The next chapter may be the last one (just pretend I didn't say that I don't feel like deleting it but yes there will be more chapters!) so that's exciting but I'm also probably come up with some new shit on the dot or something so yay!? Also, I may make a Christmas special even though it ain't Christmas but times are crazy right now and everyone loves Christmas or at least the feels of it are nice. Andddd I was thinking to make an alternative to where you actually kiss Murdoc and start something with him instead of going after Ace but I have no idea if that'd work. if that's something you're interested in comment ig haha. Anyway thanks for reading this story and stay safe luvs!

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