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"It's Tuesday already?" Y/n questioned while being rushed out the door by her sister Dina who took her quickly by the hand. "Yes y/n, it's Tuesday." Dina stated slightly sarcastically. Y/n rolled her eyes so hard her sister was sure she would have to pick her head off the ground. "The day of the dance!" Dina continued with excitement. Y/n sighed but continued slowly behind her sister. Dina did not quite understand why her sister was dreading the dance this much. Y/n was just as outgoing as Dina, the only difference was that they shared different friend groups. Dina spent most of her time hanging out with the friends she has made while going on patrol. Y/n did not confine herself to one group, she has many friends and would truly do anything for anyone. "Come on, aren't you excited? All of your friends are going to be there." Dina stopped and looked at y/n with curiosity. Still no response from y/n, and that was very unlike her. Dina picked up on her body language as y/n's eyes were focused yet looming passed the ground. "Y/n, what is going on in that brain of yours?" Dina said as she slowly tugged to motion y/n to continue walking. Y/n caught on, shifting her eyes towards her sister and dragging her feet forward simultaneously, "I'm just not in the mood to dance in front of dozens of people tonight." This response led to laughter erupting from Dina as if this couldn't be further from the truth. "Okay now I know you're full of it." Dina responded.

And even in this moment, while her sister was already suspicious, y/n's thoughts became overcome by her. Her green eyes burned memories into her that were unforgettable. How her body language showed she was calm yet cautious. "But it doesn't matter, she likes Dina." Y/n thought to herself. That didn't stop y/n's mind from wandering more and more to the red headed girl, how the scar on her right brow added beauty and showed bravery all at once. She thought about last week, in the shooting range. How the tall girl pulled her bow as taut as possible, focused on the target. In that moment her tattoo sharpened by her perfectly aligned veins. Y/n couldn't take her eyes off of the taller girl. The stronger she pulled the string of her bow the faster y/n's heart pounded in her chest. In a split second, although at the same time, both girls held their breath as the red headed girl steadied her bow. Ellie released the arrow with a sigh and y/n found herself captivated as the loose ends of her half bun ever so slightly moved with the rest of her body. Although y/n found every movement Ellie made beautiful, it wasn't until the taller girl locked eyes with y/n that she realized she has been caught blushing at her sisters best friend. But then there her sister was, clapping behind Ellie. Y/n walked out of the shooting range hoping her sister would never know the impact her best friend has on her.

Before they knew it the girls arrived just outside the party, and it brought y/n back to reality. "Let's just get this over with." Y/n giggled as those were the only words she could seem to come up with. The girls made their way into the party to quickly find dozens of people drinking, dancing, and laughing. Y/n looked around the room intensely as if she personally created the infected as a species. "Did you murder all the children in Jackson or something?" Dina laughed as she saw the fear on y/n's face. "Very funny Dina." Y/n smirked. The moment y/n took her eyes off of her sister her stomach dropped, the red haired girl stood just before her. "So she dragged you here too, huh?" Ellie questioned as she turned her blushed cheeks towards the ground. Y/n was certain Ellie had feelings for her sister, and she was certain Dina felt the same way, why else have they been spending so much time together lately? "Is it that obvious?" Y/n questioned as her body language almost identically matched Ellie's. "Perfect! Now that you two have each other, I will be dancing. Have fun!" Dinas eyes shot at y/n with a smile as she grabbed a drink in a hurry. But y/n couldn't help but wonder why Dina wouldn't want to be the one to spend alone time with Ellie. "About the other day at the shooting range-" Ellie began. "No, no it's okay, I know you were busy." Y/n said, but deep down she was hurt she wasn't the one cheering her on by her side. They have been in each other's lives for years. Y/n liked Dina's friends from patrol, and she really got along with them too. But Ellie was different, y/n and Dina knew it. Y/n has always had a crush on Ellie, but as time goes by it grows stronger, and it's beginning to be difficult to ignore. "That's not why I didn't say hi y/n..." Ellie said regretfully. Y/n was confused, questions started running through her mind. She second guessed if Ellie still wanted to be friends considering how close her and Dina were. "Maybe Dina left us alone for her to set boundaries?" Y/n thought to herself. "Is it because of her?" Y/n accidentally snapped. "W-what? How did you know about that?" Ellie stuttered in a panic. At that moment the song slowed and the entire mood of the party changed. People started pairing off heading towards the dance floor. Y/n began to envy the couples, wishing Ellie would take her hand and lead her into the crowd. "I see the way you look at her". Y/n stated in defeat. Then Ellie did just that, she reached out slowly to y/n, her hand slightly shaking. "I mean, I really do love looking at my bow." Ellie said sarcastically. Her green eyes pierced into y/n and butterflies exploded in excitement. Ellie began leading y/n to the dance floor still holding her hand tightly. Ellie then slowly placed y/n's hands around her shoulders as she smiled, then placed hers around y/n's waist. "Oh come on, I wasn't talking about your bow." Y/n stated with a flat face. Ellie pulled herself slightly closer to the shorter girl. "It's not what you think." Ellie spoke softly, while her eyes spoke the truth. Y/n could not help but wish this moment would last forever. "Why have you been avoiding me?" Y/n questioned hesitantly. "No, no, y/n trust me that's the opposite of what I am trying to do." Ellie responded quickly. "The girl is your sister, and she has been trying to convince me to tell you something." Ellie confessed. Y/n felt the world around her slow down, as if time truly stood still. "Tell me what?" Y/n asked in a whisper. Ellie's smile grew from ear to ear as she tugged slightly on y/n's waist drawing her closer. "I have decided I would rather show you." Ellie's eyes landed on y/n's lips. Y/n's eyes fixed on Ellie's. The hunger in both their eyes grew stronger. The taller girl leaned in closer, just inches from y/n now. They stood there in that moment, just the two of them. No infected, no apocalypse, and no hate. There was just love between the two girls captivated by each other. Ellie gently but passionately kissed y/n. It was as though the taller girl had been starving for years and the only possible way to feel full was by y/n's love. Y/n wrapped hands behind Ellie's neck and pulled her in even closer. Although time stood still, they wished they could make this moment last forever. Ellie pulled away and looked at y/n's captivating eyes. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Ellie said before pulling y/n in for another kiss. Y/n smiled through the kiss and said "you're the prettiest girl I know". "Now, now, don't start lying to me already." Ellie said through a laugh. The kiss ended but they did not let each other go. The song ended but their slow dancing did not. "You know I could not be more attracted to you Ellie." Y/n said reassuringly. Ellie blushed as she quickly looked down to her feet. Her smile grew ear to ear and she looked up at y/n. Tuesday has become both girls favorite day of the week.

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