I Run to You

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The air cold air stung against your skin, slightly numbing your fingertips you held close to the fire. "I think it's best we stay here until the sun rises. It will give Dina time to rest." Jesse state's as he added broken branches to the fire. "Besides, we don't know what we are walking into, we have to be prepared." Jesse turned to sit next to Dina on the cold ground.

The four of you were about two miles out from Jackson. Dina was still visibly injured enough to need the rest in order to protect herself. With everyone unsure of Jackson's fate, you decided to stay by your sisters side, and find out together.

"I can keep watch tonight." Ellie sat with her arms resting on her bent knees. "I'll stay up with you." You spoke without hesitation. "No." Ellie darted her eyes to you without hesitation. "You need to rest, I need you ready for tomorrow." The panic still looming in Ellie's mind of the events that have previously unfolded.

To Ellie the thought of you just barely out of her sight was enough to stir anxiety throughout her veins. She wasn't ready for the possibility of you being taken again. "Ellie, I'm fine." You spoke sternly, as you were just as concerned about anyone being out of your sight. "El," Dina raised her hand to stop your girlfriend from fighting back. "We could use two people keeping watch with the shape I'm in." She finished.

Ellie never wanted to make you upset, she was just concerned. She reached her hand to yours and held it gently showing you a small smile. The small crackling from the fire seemed to calm the four of you, for now.

Dina laid herself comfortably onto Jesse's lap as she quickly fell asleep. It wasn't long before Jesse's eyes became heavy and with that it left you and Ellie awake in the darkness. "I'm sorry." Ellie kept her eyes on the flames but her hand in yours. "Babe, you have nothing to be sorry for." Your body was sore and reddened where rope attached so viscously to your skin.

"I should have been faster. I should have gone down there first." Ellie meant it. She loved you more than life itself. "If you did I could have lost you." You watched your girlfriend as she began to stand. "I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you." Ellie exhaled as she reached a hand to help you up.

Your body was slower than normal, you swore you could still feel the rope around your ankles. "You won't lose me El." You lingered your fingers on her forearm tracing her tattoo. Ellie slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "I love you y/n." Ellie whispered into your ear after pulling away. "I love you too Ellie."


One year ago

Ellie swung the door open before you had the chance to knock. "Hey." She smiled as she gestured for you to enter. "So..." You dragged the word as you made your way to her couch. "Let me see it!" Although the thought of Cat tattooing Ellie caused a pit in your stomach, you couldn't help but enjoy the sight of ink placed across her skin, and now it was finally complete.

"Promise you won't laugh." Ellie rolled her eyes in anticipation. "Promise." You raised your eyebrows slightly in an effort to persuade her to move quicker. Ellie began to roll the sleeve of her button up before she realized the tattoo was still new enough to be irritated by the tightening fabric over her skin.

"Give me a minute.' Ellie sighed. "Do you need some help?" You teased as Ellie shot you a look. Ellie began to remove her button up exposing a toned body in a white shirt. "Wow." Slipped from your mouth. "You don't like it?" She frowned. "No, no! I actually, love it." The way it fit on her arm, arching over veins and stretching as she flexed her muscles, was immaculate.

Ellie made her way over to the couch to sit next to you. "Cat brought you up again today." You dreaded this. You knew Ellie was dating Cat, but the less you had to hear about it, the better. "Oh?" Ellie could see the irritation in your face. She began fidgeting with her fingers as she broke eye contact.

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