Promises at Sundown

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Ellie's eyes were searching, grasping onto any sign of emotion on your face. "Y/n, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Please talk to me." Ellie pleads this time, the silence was getting a little too much.

"What does this mean?" Your face twisted now, in fear, not in anger. "I promise I can't infect you-" Ellie began but was quickly interrupted. "Ellie, what does this mean?" You repeated yourself wanting the auburn haired girl to feel your desperation. Fear turned into determination. "For you and your life. Who knows? Who is going to come knocking at Jackson, wanting to take you away?" Ellie froze at your questions. Sure, her and Joel have taken a while to get back to normal, but lately Ellie has been putting in extra effort to make him feel forgiven. You weren't aware of the weight of your questions on Ellie's heart.

You saw as Ellie straightened her posture and sighed as she dropped her head. "Before we came here-" Ellie bit her lip trying to soothe herself. You picked up on her struggle and reached a hand to hers. She paused and took a deep breath, she raised her head slowly until her watery green eyes met your e/c ones. "Joel and I found the fireflies, but the only way to make a cure-" Ellie chocked. She squeezed her eyes shut in attempt to void out the memories. "-would have been to kill me." She let her eyes slowly open. A mix of anger and guilt hidden behind them.

It seemed as Ellie spoke all of your worst fears came true. Ellie was the one person that you knew of that could change the world as you knew it. She has changed your world, she has saved your life in many ways. You didn't want her life to end, even if that meant the world would be free. A perfect world woundn't be perfect without Ellie. "So, Joel stopped them." Ellie struggled as let the words fall from her mouth.

You weren't really sure what to say. You were hearing all of this for the first time and all you could imagine was someone coming after Ellie, after all these years. You stood up as you started to feel your breath quicken. You didn't know what you needed, but you couldn't sit still. You felt your stomach sink and Ellie's eyes lock on you as she sensed your anxiety. You ran to the bathroom, not sure if you were going to throw up or pass out.

You splashed cold water on your face, bringing yourself back to reality. You steadied yourself in the mirror trying to slow your breath gripping onto the sink to ground yourself. The thought of losing Ellie made you sick to your stomach. "Babe?" Ellie whispered as she opened the door. "I'm fine, I'm just, having a panic attack." Struggling to get the words out you closed your eyes and slowed your breathing. Your vision was still clouded from the adrenaline.

You usually hated when people touched you during a panic attack, Ellie knew that, but in this moment you needed her. You ran to Ellie and wrapped your arms around her tightly. Ellie wasted no time and responded as she took you into a hug and began running her fingers through your hair.

"I'm not going anywhere y/n. I won't let anything or anyone take me away from you." Ellie's grip never loosened as she continued. "It was a long time ago, besides I think, I think Joel took care of everyone who knew anyway." You felt a shrug. Still holding Ellie you felt your heart race decrease. The sweat on your skin began to feel cold, you were calming down. Ellie always knew how to steady you in times of panic.

"I'm sorry, I should be helping you right now, not the other way around." You felt guilty for your emotions. "You have already helped me babe, you help me everyday." Ellie was kind, and caring, and so loving towards you. "I'm just terrified of losing you, I wouldn't trade you for the world, or a cure." You reassured Ellie, hoping she felt the same way.

"You make me want to fight for my life, to keep living." Ellie was honest, she had survivors guilt for a long time, but you made her excited to live and to wake up everyday.

A purposeful knock came to the door in a hurry. "Ellie! Y/n?" That southern accent pierced through you more than ever. Ellie rushed to the door in a panic, it was unlike Joel to come over so late.

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