Midnight sky

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Why is it that when we want time to slow down, it seems to go by the fastest? The two girls danced the night away in each other's arms, wishing it would never end. The lights brightened, the volume of songs lessened, the crowd dispersed. Ellie's grip on y/n tightened, wrapping her arms tighter around her waist. "I don't want this night to end" Ellie admitted. Y/n let out a small sigh with a smile, "It doesn't have to yet?" Y/n questioned shyly. Ellie softly raised her scarred brow as a smile crept onto her freckled face. "I know we both have patrol tomorrow-" Y/n hesitated but confidence grew as Ellie's smile widened. "Maybe you could take your time walking me home?" Y/n asked. Ellie's answer came in the form of a gentle kiss as she grabbed y/n's hand and began leading her towards the door. Ellie and y/n have both been so distracted by the events that have taken place tonight that they haven't noticed that all the eyes have been on them. Dina was smiling as she watched her sister and her best friend so happy together. Joel smiled from a distance the whole night, as he didn't want to ruin the night for Ellie. Eyes were on them, most not judging, but in awe of how perfect the two girls seemed to fit in each other's arms.
"I want to show you something." Ellie said as she held the door open for y/n. They both knew Jackson inside and out, and it didn't take y/n long to figure out they were headed in the direction of Ellie's house, not y/n's. Y/n smiled, she really didn't care where Ellie was taking her, as long as this didn't end. "I'll follow you anywhere El." Y/n smirked and nudged Ellie. They both let out a light laugh. Ellie led y/n passed Joel's house towards her own home. Y/n has been to her house hundreds of times, but this felt new. Ellie led y/n to two beach towels laid across the grass, lights were lit around the area wrapping throughout the trees. As they approached y/n noticed the towels had pillows and blanks laid across them. "Ellie, this is-" Ellie cut her off, "I had this whole thing planned out." Ellie brought her free hand up to scratch the back of her neck to calm her nerves. "This is perfect." Y/n finished her sentence turning her gaze to Ellie. Y/n was now leading Ellie towards the beautiful setup as she held her hand tightly. They laid down and enjoyed the beautiful sight of stars that hung above Jackson. Y/n and Ellie have spend many nights looking up to the stars, wondering if each other returned the feelings they both had. Ellie laid down next to y/n and motioned for her to rest her head on her chest. Y/n reached up and brushed one perfectly separated hair behind Ellie's ear. Ellie turned to face y/n to study the expression on her face. Y/n was enchanted by the view of the stars, but when Ellie's eyes fell on her, she couldn't help but meet her gaze. "I'm uh, I'm sorry I made you feel like I was avoiding you." Ellie spoke softly and honestly. Y/n held onto Ellie tighter and allowed her to continue her thoughts. "Dina has always known I have had feelings for you. It's just, I'm not that good at talking about my feelings." Ellie sighed but continued. "Fuck, I just didn't want to ruin our friendship y/n. I don't want lose you. I can't lose you." Ellie's gaze fell as she felt a sliver of pain from all of the lose she has endured. Y/n noticed Ellie's body language, but did not take her eyes off of the auburn haired girl. The fear in Ellie's face was telling, more so than any words could ever express. "There is nothing you could do, no words you could say, that could scare me away from you." Y/n began to speak softly. Ellie's eyes slowly brought themselves back to y/n's. "You are the strongest person I know, I admire you for that." Y/n continued. Y/n now propped herself up onto her elbow, face resting in her hand. "I don't remember a time where I didn't have feelings for you." Y/n said with softly a smile forming. Ellie hungrily placed her hand behind y/n's neck and pulled her into a kiss. A kiss that was different than in the dance. A telling kiss, that told each other they were in love before words themselves could.


The bed felt cold as soon as y/n laid down. The absence of Ellie's presence was louder than the blaring music at the dance. Y/n wanted to invite her in to sleep over, she really wanted to. But the night was perfect and after they spent a couple of hours stargazing Ellie slowly walked y/n home not wanting the night to end. As they approached y/n's house Ellie's slow walk came to a stop as she looked up at y/n. Y/n stepped closer to Ellie, taking all of her power to stop herself from inviting her inside. "I really don't want this night to end." Y/n admitted reaching her hand up to Ellie's cheek. Ellie closed her eyes and placed her hand over y/n's "I wish it didn't have to". "I hope you know I really want you to come inside, but I have a hard time believing we would make it to patrol in just a few hours". Y/n giggled as she looked up to Ellie. Ellie blushed slightly and kissed y/n on the cheek. "I'll see you in the morning?" Ellie asked hopefully. "You'll see me in the morning Williams." Y/n then placed a gentle kiss on Ellie's lips. Ellie watched in awe as Y/n slowly let go of Ellie's hand and walked into her front door. She has never been more excited for patrol in her life.

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