Tattooed Scars

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Time with Ellie has been everything you could ask for. You couldn't fathom that this was your reality, living with Ellie, sleeping next to her every night.

"Hey babe, you almost ready?" Ellie wrapped her arms around your waist from behind. You were just finishing up getting ready to go on a double date with Jesse in Dina. You dropped your hands from your hair and embraced Ellie's loving arms. You slightly nod your head as you close your eyes and enjoy this moment.

"Or, we could always be late." Ellie's lips found their way to your neck. "Babe!" You giggled as you turned around in Ellie's arms. "They will be here any minute." You attempted to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. "You want me to stop?" Ellie said in between her lips and your skin. You couldn't quiet bring yourself to pull away, because truth is, you didn't want her to stop. A knock came from the front door. "Do you two have clothes on? Can we come in?" Dina practically screamed.

Ellie sighed but a smile pulled at her lips as she pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. "I'll make it up to you later." You looked Ellie in the eyes as you walked towards the door. "Yes Dina, we have clothes on, we usually do when we plan on leaving the house." Dina walked inside as she rolled her eyes at you. Jesse leaned in the doorway. "I don't think I've ever seen this place so clean." He looked around intently.

"Y/n likes to clean when she's stressed." Ellie grabbed her light coat and headed towards the door. "Well she's with you, she must be cleaning a lot." Dina smiled to herself. "Very funny Dina." You wrapped your arm around your sisters shoulder and made your way outside.

Jackson looked pretty this time of year, snow lightly covered the ground, the lights began to shine as the sun finally set, and the children playing warmed your heart. You made your way to the Tipsy Bison hand in hand with your girlfriend.

"I'm starving." Dina said as she held Jesse's hand swaying in a calming motion. Ellie let go of your hand but only to politely open the door for you. The four of you made your way over to a table placed just beside the warm fireplace.

"Y/n, keep your eyes on me." Dina grabbed your hand from across the table and raised her eyebrows. "Dina, what-" You we're quickly cut off by your swearing girlfriend. "Fuck me." Ellie exhaled just loud enough for you to hear. "Hey guys, Im-" She was cut off at the snap of your sister. "Yeah, we know who you are." Dina kept her eyes on the menu as Jesse fidgeted his eyes between you and Ellie. "-Cat. I'll be taking all your orders tonight." The woman finished as her eyes very clearly lingered on Ellie.

You felt anger rise inside you, not because she was Ellie's ex, but because she felt so comfortable consuming every beautiful feature of the woman you love just as if you weren't there at all. "I'll just have a water for now." Jesse tried to clearly break the tension as he tried to meet Cat's eyes with his. He failed as she kept waiting to meet Ellie's eyes.

Anger now flooded through your veins as the girl felt no need to look away. Why couldn't Ellie look at her? She was nothing like you. She was covered in tattoos and fearless and you, your anxious and tender and all the things she is not. Ellie lifted her head and looked at you. "What would you like babe?" She gently reached out and grabbed your hand with a reassuring smile. "I'll, uhm, I'll have a water as well." You cleared your throat as you choked through the statement.

"I'll have the same as my girlfriend." Ellie sat up straight as she stared into Cat's eyes. Cat was taken back by the statement. Her face morphed into confusion as Ellie kept her hand in yours, and Ellie didn't mind. She wasn't afraid to show you off. "And I would like the same as my sister." Dina said, almost as a warning as she set the menu down and looked right at the girl. "I'll be right back." Cat said but gave Ellie one last look as she slightly raised one eyebrow. "Thank you Cat." Jesse again tried to bring the group to peace. Dina shot him a look as all he could do was shrug his shoulders.

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