You Are My Home

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It's funny, how one night can make you want a lifetime. Is it silly? To dream in a world that knows so much hurt? You weren't sure. But all you knew was that even if it was, it wouldn't stop you. The fear of losing the woman you love, was worse than fearing your own death. If something ever happened to Ellie-

"Hello, earth to y/n?" Ellie waved her hands in front of you as she cut off your own thoughts. Ellie has been going on for some time about how she has been assigned a three day patrol shift with people she doesn't know very well. Sitting yourself straight up on the couch you widened your smile towards your girlfriend. "Go on babe, I'm listening." You were a terrible liar. "Have you heard anything I was saying?" Ellie already knew the answer.

You reached your hand over to rest it on Ellie's thigh where she sat next to you on the couch. "I'm sorry baby, I'm just worried about the trip and not being able to talk to you. I'll be worried the whole time." You admitted truthfully. Ellie raised her brows as her eyes widened unaware of your anxiety. She reached her hand to gently rest it on top of yours. "I know." Ellie paused trying to gather her words. Her green eyes pierced through you. "It will be just like when I leave for morning patrol." Ellie's words left her mouth before she could correct herself.

"Just like morning patrol!" You repeated back, practically screaming. "Ellie, we have been sleeping in the same bed every night for the passed two weeks." Your grip on Ellie's leg tightened. "I'll be in your bed, or my bed, alone. Alone and afraid my girlfriend won't make her way back to me." You loosened your grip and allowed your gaze to fall to the floor. "I'm just, scared." You exhaled.

"I will always make my way back to you." Ellie's eyes were soft like her words. "I will always make sure I am prepared before I leave these walls, as much as possible." Ellie reassured. "Besides, I'm a good shot." Ellie smiled waiting for a response. "I know you are, and you have saved my life more than I could count." You slide your arms around Ellie as she did the same. "We have a few days to relax before I have to leave." Ellie whispered as she gently placed a kiss on your forehead.


Ellie had a long day of preparing for her three day patrol. Her day started seeing Maria for final details on the trip. She then made her way to the shooting range to practice with her bow. She has always loved using a bow, but she hasn't had the opportunity to in a while.

Once she was satisfied with her accuracy she made her way to y/n's house. She stuffed her hands in her front pockets as her boots crunched the light snow beneath her. She slowly approached the door, more nervous than usually.

"Hey babe." Ellie opened the door. She placed her light coat on its hook and walked towards where you sat upon your bed. "Hi! I've missed you today." Ellie responded by placing a kiss on your lips. "I missed you too darling." Ellie pulled you out of bed and placed your legs around her waist. You giggled and placed a longer kiss on Ellie's lips. You slowly placed your feet on the ground but stood still with your arms wrapped around the taller girls neck.

Ellie took a deep breath and moved her hand to her jean pocked. "I know tonight is our last night together until I come back." Ellie felt the outline of the house key in her pocket. You stood unaware of what would happen next. Dreading the next two nights alone. "And I know we already spend every night together, but..." Ellie opened her hand to put the key on display. "When I went to Maria's this morning I asked for one of the extra keys to my house.l, for you." Ellie searched your face for any sign of rejection.

"Ellie, I- " Was this Ellie's way of telling you that you could come over whenever you wanted? You already thought that you could. "Move in with me." Ellie cut you off. "I know we have only been official for a month. I don't want to rush you. But I have loved you for so long, I don't want to wait anymore." Ellie finished as she found your e/c eyes. "Ellie Williams, of course I will move in with you." You pressed your lips against hers as affirmation.

"I'll be all moved in and ready by the time you come home." You smiled, although anxiety started to grow in your stomach about the trip. "I can't wait to be back already." Ellie smiled as her cheeks reddened.


The night went by fast, too fast. You tossed and turned in Ellie's arms. Neither of you slept well. Ellie could feel your heavy quickened breaths as your head laid on her chest.

She read the clock that stated 2:00am. She ran her fingers through your hair repeatedly in a soothing manner. "Hey, everything will be okay." She whispered to you. "I know." Was all you could muster as you have been holding back tears all night. To your surprise Ellie moved her hand to your chin and gently turned you until your eyes met hers. "I mean it." Ellie raised her eyebrows which always drove you crazy. How could she always look so perfect. "I love you y/n." She exclaimed as she pressed her lips to yours. "I love you too." You answered in between kisses.

You placed your head back onto her chest as you listened to her heartbeat. You wanted it sketched into your memory so loudly you would be able to hear it while you were alone. You traced your fingers gently over Ellie's freckled skin. "Go to sleep babe, you need to be well rested for tomorrow." Ellie was reluctant to sleep while her girlfriend was anxious. She wanted to protect her. "I can't sleep until I know you're okay." Ellie answered as her eyes began to close again. "Oh I'm okay, and I'm going to be great once you come back home to me. With that Ellie drifted off to sleep, and you stayed awake, enjoying every second of being in her arms.

6:00am came quicker than both of you wanted. You must have just dozed off as you felt Ellie's body weight leave the bed. You stayed their quietly, knowing nothing you could say would push this off. You watched as she gathered her backpack, knife, and pistol. Her footsteps slowed as she made her way over to you one last time before the trip.

You sat yourself up on the bed. Getting yourself ready for the goodbye you have been dreading for the past week. "I really wish I didn't have to go." Ellie said as she opened her arms. You gladly welcomed the invitation. You took in the remainder of her scent. "I really wish you didn't have to go either." Still holding each other right.

A few minutes later you both loosened your grip. Understanding the inevitable would happen. You shared one last long passionate kiss. Although left breathless Ellie felt she had more to say. "I'll make my way back to you." Ellie said as she now walked towards the door. "You'll make your way back to me." You repeated softly just loud enough for both of you to hear. "I love you so much babe." Ellie said standing in the door way. "I love you more than you know." You answered. And with one last smile, you watched the love of your life shut the door, uncertain of the next time she would open it.


I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this book! I will continue to update often. Any comments or recommendations please comment! I never expected the success of this book! I hope everyone is enjoying❤️

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