Morning Sun

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A knock at the door startled you awake. The clock read 6:05am. "Shit." You muttered under your breath. "You two better be dressed-" Swinging the door open you cut your sister off. "Is there someone in my room that I don't know about?" Confident smirk on your face. "I could have sworn I saw Ellie walking you home last night." Your sister questioned. "Oh so now you're stalking us!" You chuckled out. "She did, but I didn't want to move to fast." You didn't want to move too fast, but you really, really wanted to invite Ellie inside.

You both walked into your room as Dina made herself comfortable on your bed. She propped herself up onto her elbow and dropped her jaw. "Too fast? You two have been in love with each other for years!" Dina was practically screaming through her smile. You felt your cheeks burning as your stomach performed flips. You felt the corner of your mouth tugging into a smile. "So that's why you wanted me to go to the dance. You've known this whole time". You slowly turn your head to look at Dina. "Sorry I was spending so much time with your girlfriend, I didn't want to worry you." She teased. "She's- she's not my girlfriend." You said truthfully. You fiddled with your hands as you finished getting ready for patrol. Dina pushed herself off the bed and made her way over to you. She placed her hand on your shoulder and smiled. "She just might be after today". Dina teased. "What is that supposed to mean?" You asked with raised eyebrows. "Oh right, I forgot to tell you, you and Ellie are paired for your patrol route. Just the two of you, no group." Dina said as she walked towards the door. A smile never leaving her face.

You suddenly felt anxious but excited. A moment of doubt hoping Ellie still meant everything from last night. "Hello, earth to y/n?" Dina's voice startled you back to reality. "That is more than okay Dina." You responded as you trailed slightly behind her. You have seen Jackson a thousand times, the snowfall, the talkative people inside the walls. But today seemed different, the snow seemed fluffier, the people happier, the sun even brighter. The small street was all that stood in front of you and seeing Ellie again. As you took in the scenery with Dina you could not help but feel a sense of guilt. Was it fair for you to be so happy when Dina and Jesse just broke up?

"Hey D?" You broke the comfortable silence. Dina nodded in response. "Are you and-" Before you could finish your sister stopped in her tracks. "Y/n, we will be fine. It was just a stupid argument. I love him. He loves me. What else do we need?" She kept her eyes forward as you both approached the stables. You smiled at yourself, not quite the answer you were expecting.

"Now, let's worry about you and Ellie admitting you're in love in love." Dina nudged you with her elbow as she winked at you. You can feel the heat in your cheeks rising. You know yourself you've fallen in love with Ellie Williams a very long time ago. You made your way through the stables, Dina approached Japan as you approached h/n. You smiled as you greeted your horse. The bond between a human and a horse when it came to surviving was something the old world would never know. "Glad to see you awake." That familiar voice cut through the air like a knife. The crunching of hay mixed with dirt and snow under her boots was becoming louder as she approached. "You can thank Dina for that." As you turn to look at the Auburn haired girl you can't help but soak in every detail of her. God, you loved how she loosely pulled her hair back into a bun. And the way her freckles slightly moved as her face pulled into a smile. Those green eyes pierced through you brighter than any sun ever could. "I could thank Dina for more than that." Ellie's words caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach. The only reaction your body had was to hug the taller girl. She thankfully accepted as she wrapped her arms around your waist. How you wish you could have slept with her arms around you last night. "Such a smooth talker Williams." You smiled as you walked your horse and Ellie led shimmer to the gate. "Want me to whip out my pun book?" Ellie chuckled. "I do love a good pun." You smiled up to her.

"How nice of you two to show up." Jesse approached holding two rifles. "Did you think I would miss out on patrol?" Ellie asked. Jesse handed her one rifle, "I didn't think you would miss out on patrol with y/n." Jesse turned and handed you a rifle as well. Ellie's cheeks turned a dark shade of pink. "Thank you Jesse." You took the rifle and reloaded as you giggled at the compliment. "I would never." Ellie said under her breath just loud enough for you to hear. The two of you mounted your horses and waited for the gates to open. No matter how happy you were in this moment, next to Ellie, you never know what will lie outside the walls.


"Y/n!" Ellie screamed at the top of her lungs. "Where the fuck are you?" Ellie squinted through the heavy snow. "Y/n!" Ellie's breath begins to quicken. "Ellie! Oh my god I thought I lost you". Ellie looks at you with relief. "You scared the fuck out of me." Ellie admitted approaching you and h/n. Through all the snow and squinted eyes you could see how much Ellie cared in those green eyes. "Let's bring the horses in here for a while huh?" Ellie questioned towards a small building. You followed without hesitation. You trusted Ellie.

The building seemed quiet enough, but you could never be too sure. Ellie easily let herself off her horse but was quick to carefully draw her rifle. You did the same as Ellie and followed her to two large doors that led to a separate room. Through the window you could see two runners wincing in a painful screech. "Okay, so there's at least two, let's do this quietly." Ellie stated as you nodded. You went to open the door as you crouched. "Y/n, be careful, please." Ellie spoke softly as she grabbed your arm. You and Ellie have killed infected together hundreds of times. But now, that everything was out in the open, she really couldn't afford to lose you. Your only response was meeting your lips with hers softly. Ellie smiled and followed you into the room. "I'll take the one on the right." You led. Ellie nodded in response. You slowly approached the runner and right when you were just close enough you through your arm around its neck and threw your knife into the side of its skull. You slowly placed the body on the ground. By the time you were done Ellie has already done the same. "Great job El." You smiled while you stood up and wiped your jeans of dust. "You're not half bad yourself y/n."

The two of you checked the rest of the building for infected. Luckily, the first two infected were the last. The building was secure and you were able to keep the horses safe as well. The building wasn't that big, it must have been some sort of coffee shop. Chairs and couches were placed throughout with a counter with old mugs and cups. "Storm still isn't letting up, we might be stuck here a while." Ellie admits while nervously scratching the back of her neck. "I should have invited you inside last night." You blurted out. "No, no, I get it-" Ellie tried to explain. "I missed you. I missed you the moment I was without you." Ellie walked towards you slowly, eyes rising from the floor to meet yours. She played with her fingers nervously as she approached. "I should have invited you in, because I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I love you Ellie Williams. And I know you probably don't-" Ellie smashed her lips against yours harder than you have ever felt. She literally took your breath away. She clenched onto your waist to pull you even closer because somehow you both still wanted more contact. "I'm so in love with you y/n." She pulled away for a moment only for you to pull her back in. You pulled her over to a couch as you laid down onto your back while pulling Ellie on top of you. You have always dreamt of this and what a beautiful view it was. You wanted more, to be closer, but you both had on too many clothes. You didn't want to wait any longer, Dina was right, you have both waited years. You started unzipping the top of Ellie's coat and she quickly ripped it off wasting no time. She sat up just for a moment and looked at you, taking in your full beauty. "You are so beautiful y/n." She said still out of breath. "Come here." You grabbed her by her sweatshirt and into another passionate kiss. Her hands found the zipper of your coat but you felt her hesitate. "Are you sure?" Ellie questioned nervously. "I have been waiting for this moment with you for years Ellie Williams." That was enough for her to rip your coat off and reach the hem of your long sleeved shirt. You've never wanted it off of you so quickly. With little help she had it off in seconds. Her sweatshirt was the next to go. Then both of your jeans. This went on until the both of you were there, fully vulnerable to each other. "Wow." Ellie let our in between kisses." Ellie moved her kisses to your neck, you could have sworn the world around you went dark. You reached your hand up to the back of her neck and grabbed loose strands of hair. You felt a moan slip from her lips onto your neck. "I need you." Your words fell out into her ear the sensation causing her lips to reconnect with yours. "You have all of me." She made her way back to your neck, then towards your chest, and further, and further down. Electricity shot through your body, you couldn't get enough. You could swear you saw stars, you wouldn't even sure if you were still breathing. Your breath quickened and your mind performed flippers. You never wanted it to stop. And for this moment, it was just the two of you, being close to one another, alone in this world. Nothing else mattered. Closer and closer as you felt a way you never have in your whole life but you never wanted the feeling to end. You could swear you were born to love Ellie and she was made perfectly for you. Two missing pieces that don't fit without each other. And through the blackness of your eyelids the morning sun helped rise the electricity in your body.

The Last of love. Ellie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now