Blizzard Air

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Your eyes slowly flickered open. The sun shines so duly through the partially covered window, you almost forget where you were. It takes mere moments as you feel the weight of Ellie's tattoo covered arm around your waist. You turn around gently careful not to wake the woman you love. It has to be a dream, her features are perfectly sharpened by the lighting from the sun gleaming in. A small strand of hair keeps swaying as she takes each breath. You reach up quietly to tuck it behind her ear. You were quiet, but your gentle touch was enough to wake her.

"Hey you." Ellie's voice sounds strained as she slowly wakes from a deep sleep. "I can't believe we fell asleep." You respond as fear begins to rise. How long have the two of you been asleep. "It's okay, it has only been a little over an hour. I kept watch and kept an eye out on the blizzard, I must have just dozed off." Ellie's words calm you as soon as they slip from her lips. "Thank you, I'm sorry. You just made me so tired..." You trailed as your gaze met the sharp green eyes. Your smirk was enough to turn Ellie's cheeks red. "Maybe once we get home safely I can make you tired again?" Ellie found her confidence as she pulled you in to meet her lips. Again a small moan accidentally left your mouth. "I'll take that as a yes." You could feel Ellie smile through her words.

You wanted to stay, right here, cuddled in the dying blizzard. You hesitated but pulled away, "The quicker we get home the quicker you can come over?" You asked shyly. "I'll be there." Ellie responded as you slowly got up, finding pieces of clothing throughout the room. You approached the half boarded window to see the state of the blizzard when you noticed a figure in the distance. "Shit..." It took a moment for your eyes to adjust. "Damnit Ellie it's Joel!" You quickly made yourself look less disheveled as Ellie's only response was to whisper swears in combinations you have never even heard of. "He won't know, the blizzard was bad." You told yourself more than Ellie.

Joel jumped from his horse once he was close enough to the building. You quickly opened the door to Joel's relief. "Oh thank God girls." Joel spoke before he was even fully in the building. "Sorry we, uh, the blizzard was really picking up."Ellie choked out as she twiddled her fingers. "I know kiddo, no-one was able to follow their scheduled routes. Tommy sent two extra groups to help those out on patrol through the blizzard." Joel spoke as he began to catch his breath. Joel looked around and quickly saw both of your horses were safe inside. "Thanks for coming Joel, I was worried the blizzard wouldn't let up until nighttime." You said nonchalantly. "No problem girls, we should get back, I'm sure you two haven't had enough alone time." Joel teased with a small smile. He made his way out into the daylight again. "Yup, he has no idea." You joked and turned to see Ellie with her eyebrows slightly raised. "Well he handled that well." Ellie shrugged her shoulders and made her way to the horses. You followed behind Joel and watched as he got back up onto his horse. "I'm glad y'all are okay, I don't know what my Ellie would do if anything ever happened to you." As Joel spoke your stomach performed flips as you remembered those three words Ellie said to you. "I'm not sure what I would do if anything ever happened to her Joel." You admitted. "You two stick by each others sides, and you'll never had to find out." Joel said as he took off on his horse back to Jackson. You have already made up your mind, you would never leave Ellie's side.


The ride back to Jackson didn't take long, well it didn't feel that way with Ellie by your side. You felt yourself daydreaming the least when you were with Ellie. You didn't have to when you were with her, nothing could be better than your reality. "So," Ellie started as she placed her backpack down near your bed. Your eyes focused on her nervous figure, unsure of what she was going to say. "I wanted to wait for the right moment, but every moment feels right with you." You let Ellie continue as she nervously mumbled. "And it doesn't help that I should have asked you a long time ago." Now Ellie was pacing back and forth. "You already I know I'm in love with you so there is no reason to wait." Ellie stood still and looked at you sitting on your bed. "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Ellie asked seriously. You stood from the bed and took Ellie's hand in yours. "Oh Ellie, of course, you didn't even have to ask. You already made me feel like I was." You said truthfully. "Because you already were." Ellie's walls came down with her words. You lifted yourself up slightly on your toes to reach a kiss on your girlfriends lips. You could never get tired of this, the feeling of her lips on yours, how your bodies felt like one. You have heard of kisses feeling like fireworks or electricity, but you have never heard of souls connecting in this way.

"Why don't we both get cleaned up, then I can heat us up some dinner?" You offered as you could tell Ellie was sore from the day. Nothing a nice hot shower couldn't fix. "That sounds amazing." Ellie smiled back.

You led Ellie to the bathroom. Not that she didn't know where it was, she did. She has been to your house hundreds of times. But now, you were leading her to the bathroom. Hand in hand you led Ellie. She already had sweats at your house from the many nights she stayed over so late she ended up falling asleep at your house. You slowly undressed each other, in a loving way, scanning for wounds that needed washing. You turned the water on and waited until it was just the right temperature. "Perfect." You carefully felt the water with your hand. You got in first, pulling Ellie in right behind you. You stood so the water hit both of you. The water turning shades of brown and red from old dirt and blood as it hit the bottom of that tub. You didn't run into many infected on patrol but it was enough.

"You must really love me to make a move when I was smelling my worst." You blurted our as you held each other letting the water calmly hit you. "Yes, I really, really do." Ellie placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. "Just wait until I don't smell like dismantled infected, you won't be able to keep your hands off of me." You joked but you so badly want Ellie to never stop wanting you. Ellie held you just a bit tighter, "I'm not sure I could want you any more than I already do." Her words increased your heart rate. "In a world with so much hurt and fear, you give me so much hope. I believe in us." You spoke as you gently washed the cuts and scrapes on Ellie. "I have a little secret to admit to you." Ellie admitted as she looked to you to continue. You nodded as all your focus was now on her words. "This tattoo, the moth, I got it because of you. Moths always look for the light. I found my light y/n, it's always been you." Ellie spoke as she gently traced over her tattoo. You've always loved Ellie's tattoo. You found it extremely attractive. But you were also very jealous it was given to her by her ex. "Me? But you were with Cat?" You asked. "You were still always my light. I thought I didn't stand a chance. And if I could be your best friend that was the next best thing." Ellie spoke honestly. "Ellie, I have been in love with you for years." You admitted as a weight lifted off your shoulders. "I never thought you would pick me. Why would you. Dina is so pretty and Cat is older and more rebellious." You continued in your insecurities. "Why would I want to be with them if I'm in love with you?" The honesty was in her eyes, she really has loved you for a long time.

You pulled her in for a deep kiss, forgetting the water has been running. It didn't matter, once the hot water would run out she would keep you warm. Her tongue danced along your lips asking you for permission to enter. You never hesitated, you wanted to feel as close to Ellie as possible. Her hands danced around your body as everything heated up. The space in the shower was small and constricting. "Why don't we shut this water off, and maybe we can have an appetizer before dinner." You suggested with a smirk on your face. "That sounds amazing, I'm only hungry for one thing right now anyways." Ellie smirked back as she led you to your room.

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