CHAPTER 4 - Compromises

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Don't think I need to say 'thanks for the reviews', 'cause quite frankly, the numbers really speak for themselves!


Danny spent the better part of what HAD to be a week in his rooms.

Not that they weren't nice rooms, because they were; he had three in total, a bedroom, a sitting room, and a bathroom. His bedroom had a king-sized bed with hangings in red and purple. His sitting room had bookshelves lining the walls, a fireplace, and a Greecian chair he could nap in, if he so chosse. It too was done in the red-and-purple color scheme. The bathroom was the same one as he used earlier, connected to the dressing room.

It would have been very nice, if he wasn't essentially grounded to these rooms.

After the page had put Danny in the rooms, muttering something about how no one ever listens to him, he told Danny that he was to stay in the rooms until the King called for his presence. Since then, the only people he'd seen were servants that delivered his food, and Dora, who kept him brief company until she was called.

Danny spent his time sleeping, soaking in the tub, and reading the books in the sitting room; the books were quite fascinating and riviting (the ones in English, anyway), and Danny thought they were adventure fantasy novels before realizing that they were either war journals or true odesseys written by adventure-seekers. Reading those made him wonder why history class never covered these time periods or happenings, but he put it out of his mind.

Days after he was incarcerated to his rooms, the former Fright Knight entered the sitting room, where Danny was engaged in a fascinating tale of a prince during a very important, life-altering war against a rival kingdom. He cleared his throat a few times to try to get Danny's attention, to no avail, then he finally stalked forward and pushed the book down so Danny could see him.

"The King wishes an audience with you," he said, sounding a bit peeved at having to actually get Danny's attention. Danny sighed, not really wanting to have another doomed meeting with his - shudder- fiance-to-be, but closed the book and carried it with him as the page led the way through the castle toward a wing that Danny hand't been in before.

"This time, I hope you will heed my words and NOT argue with him," the page said stiffly, making Danny scowl.

"Wasn't my fault," he muttered back, shifting the book to his other hand. He ignored the sharp look the page gave him. "Not my fault he won't let anyone else voice their opinion."

"That's because he's the King, fool boy!" Fright hissed. "You don't contradict him! You dont talk back to him! You most certainly do NOT argue with him - !"

"Sounds to me like he NEEDS a talking back to!" Danny shot back, glaring at Fright. "He's not a god! He's not infallible! And I refuse to pretend he is!" He faced forward, a hard scowl on his face. Fright just stared at him for a moment.

"...Do not take this the wrong way," he said slowly, "but it is beyond me why he keeps you here with the wish to be his consort." Danny snorted.

"Maybe because I actually have the balls to argue with him," he replied sarcastically before sighing. "...But really... you and me both."

They both walked in silence until Fright came to a huge set of double-doors with an ornate gold P adorned between them. "This is the entryway into the King's personal quarters," Fright said. Danny arched a brow, silently asking why he should give a damm where they were. "If My Liege in inviting you to his quarters, it means that he wishes a... peaceful talk with you," he reiterated. "He will not risk senseless harm to his own living quarters, and so he wishes to... perhaps rein his temper with you this time. I ask that you both respect it, and not take advantage of it." He looked off to the side. "Heavens know that our world cannot take another rain of fire and brimstone after his last..." He broke off, the 'temper tantrum' left hanging for Danny to decipher.

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