CHAPTER 5 - Interludes

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...That is all.


Pariah Dark had spent close to three day thinking over those terms his consort-to-be had given him, all the while pondering over his initial decision to continue the engagement with the insubordinate half-breed. Never in his life and unlife had he encountered such a rebellious person. Even through his megalomania, he could see that the boy would not be swayed to bow and scrape, even if the living half of his life depended on it; the tempermental wit he caught glimpses of was a testimony to that.

But anyway... the terms.

Stop terrorizing the ghosts? Phantom called it 'terrorizing'. Pariah Dark called it 'diplomacy'. It was how he ran his kingdom, quelled uprisings, and kept his subjects in line. Ghosts were not like humans, he knew - ghosts had powers humans did not have, and collectively, those powers could be a threat to his throne, something he was NOT about to let happen for a second time. He would have to sit the boy down and actually explain his method of ruling, something he was NOT lookin forward to.

The second term, staying out of the human world, he could comply with. Hell, people died every day and many of them became ghosts; he would have more in his kingdom to come, no problem.

The third, letting him see his friends and family, WOULD have problems. From what he gathered, his friends and family were - mostly - human, and if he were to stay out of the human world, then so would his Prince. And he would be damned once more if he was going to let humans in turn sully HIS world. He would have to speak further into that matter with the boy later.

The final term gave him the most conflicted thoughts - Phantom wanted equal share in running the kingdom. He could tell from their limited interactions that the boy's way of running things would definitely clash with his own. But if it kept the boy here... he did some self-debating on the matter.

When he had come across the small 'kingdom' of Prince Aragon and his sister and demanded they work for him as a page and lady-in-waiting, the arrogant 'prince' had vehemently refused and had said a few choice words that left him nothing if not a broken puddle of ectoplasm. The princess, a timid but level-headed girl, had agreed when he said he needed a lady-in-waiting. When he told her she was to be the lady-in-waiting to his consort-to-be, Danny Phantom, she seemed all-too-eager to leave with him.

That intrigued him a bit, and so he had some thinking and research. It was obvious from the boy's elemental power that he had allies with the Far Frozen, and as his consort, the Far Frozen were HIS allies, too. However, it was blatently obvious that those beings followed Phantom first, and the Ghost King second. If he and Phantom collaborated, then the Far Frozen would work for HIS benefit, too.

On another note, Phantom had allies in other powerful or useful ghosts, as well. And those he was not allied with, had a level of respect for him. Pariah Dark recalled the last time he was awakened; powerful ghosts that were once enemies with the boy had helped seal him back in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep. Those ghosts had no respect for the Ghost King; only fear. However, even though they were on fighting terms with Phantom, they RESPECTED him. Which meant Phantom could be the intermediary that quelled conflicts and uprisings BEFORE they began.

As nice as that sounded, it also instilled a spark of anger within Pariah Dark. HE was the Ghost King. HE was supposed to be the one his subjects respected. NOT his consort!

THAT little internal tantrum raged for about two days before Pariah Dark managed to calm himself down and look at it logically. Let his Prince have the respect for now; if he played his cards right, he would get the respect in time as well. Perhaps this ruling collaborating COULD work... he had about nine months until the boy's eighteenth year to work the kinks out. Plenty of time.

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