CHAPTER 11 - Setbacks

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Sorry for the delay... I hope the chapter length is enough to compesate!... Huh...that didnt quite come out right...


Danny heaved a sigh of relief when Fright held up a hand to indicate today's training session was over. Yeah, he had gotten much better with a sword, and he had a much higher endurance level, but Fright was still levels above him, and from the hour-and-a-half hour increments spent training, Fright was a slave driver.

He slung the sword over his shoulder and made his way over to the space in the back courtyard that served as a makeshift locker room, and put his sword in the scabbard. He couldnt help but think with a slight smile about how he was able to go for a fulll hour and a half without collapsing with exhaustion. Fright had commented on it, sounding snide, but Danny could tell the former Knight was impressed with his work ethic.

It had taken almost three months of hard work to reach where he was now, and he knew it would take years to work his way up to Fright's level.

As Danny headed inside for a bath, he reflected on the past few months; other than training with Fright and exploring the castle and its grounds, he hadnt done very much else. Pariah Dark rarely spoke to him, even at shared dinners, but Danny didnt catch the Ghost King watching him from a turret window while he and Fright trained, or staring at him as they passed each other in the halls.

It was quite frankly a little awkward, but Danny really didnt know what to say about it.

At least, to the Ghost King's face.

He voiced his observations to Dora, who really didnt know what to tell him.

"I cannot say I know what goes through Our King's mind," she told him as she selected out more clothing for him to wear. "Perhaps he is simply giving you space. He knows how... difficult this situation must be for you."She turned her head as Danny dressed himself. "...Perhaps... he believes he is giving you a kindness in keeping his distance."

"Right," Danny replied, quikly pulling on the underclothing and tugging on his tunic (black, of course). "It's just... creepy, they way he just stares at me without talking to me all the time... like he's planning something."

"Is that necessarily a bad thing?" Dora asked, handing Danny a belt. Danny quickly buckled it and sat down to tug on his boots.

"When it comes to Pariah? Totally," he replied. "I dont know if he's planning something bad, or good. It's a little..." He trailed off, shrugging.

"...Unsettling?" Dora offered.

"Yeah, that." He stood up and pulled his gloves on. "...It's almost dinnertime, isnt it?"

"Correct, Sir Danny," Dora said, brushing a little bit of lint off of his clothes. "...If you want my advice, Sir Danny," she said hesitantly, looking at him. He nodded. "...Talk to him. Just... talk to him."

"About what?"

"Anything. Just talk." She turned him around and nudged him for the door. "Now. Smarten up and go enjoy your dinner."

"...Thanks, Dora," Danny muttered, walking out of his wing and downstairs to the dining hall. "...Mother hen..."

"I heard that!"

Danny blushed and walked faster away from the sound of Dora laughing.

He walked into the dining hall and noted that Pariah Dark was already there and sitting down. Danny quietly went to his side of the table and sat down, trying hard not to fidget from the palpable awkwardness that enveloped the room. It was getting to the point where he was beginning to dread dinners with Pariah Dark; they rarely spoke, and even more awkward, he would catch Pariah Dark STARING at him. Just STARING, and not saying ANYTHING.

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