CHAPTER 8 - Negotiations, Part 3

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Again, thanks for the reviews! Your critiques sustain me! That, and ginger ale. But anyway.

Hokai! To reviewer REBD who had questions:

Q. Is someone from outside the Ghost Zone is going to put their nose into this? I'm just wonding if it's going to be before or after Danny is married.

A. Yes, someone WILL put their nose into it. Later.

Q. How long is it to Danny 18th birthday?

A. About nine months.

Q. Is Pariah Dark really going to try to finish killing Danny?

A. The answer to that is in this chapter. Read on.

Now, on with the story, ja?


It took three days for Danny's bruise to heal and the headache to go away, but then the newer headache of having to deal with Pariah Dark again set in, and he attempted to fake illness to avoid the inevitable.

And he would've gotten away with it too... if it werent for that meddling Dora...

The former princess had actually pulled him out of bed, pushed him into the bathroom, and after an hour of him sulking in the tub, had come in and stood by the tub staring at him with her arms crossed until he got so uncomfortable, he HAD to get out and get dressed.

When he asked her WHY he had to get up, she gave him a stern glare that looked both cute and frightening, like he was getting a glimpse of the dragon inside, and decided to shut up while she explained.

"You're going to become a PRINCE, Sir Danny!" she said, sounding like she'd been wanting to say this for a long while now. She took his shoulders in her hands and looked him in he eye. "You will become a ruler of all of us! Have you any idea how much hope you will bring to people when the engagement is announced? Even those who do not like you will stand behind you in this union." She paused, sighing, clenching her fingers into his tunic top.

"...Sir Danny... when I first felt the return of our King... I felt a hopelessness like none I have ever felt before, in life and unlife." She looked up at him with teary ruby eyes. "...But when I was told you were to be the King's consort... I felt hope. Hope for myself, my friends... for everyone in our world. I have already seen what your presence does to him... I believe that you are the balance to the King... to make everything peaceful in this world. To make his reign RIGHT this time around. So please..." She lowered her head, sobs hitching up her throat. "...Please... make it work... I've never asked ANYTHING of you, Sir Danny Phantom, but please...!"

Danny put his arms around her and hugged her tightly, clenching his teeth to resist an outpour of unbecoming emotions that welled in his own chest. He knew Dora was right; the other ghosts in the Zone would look to him for hope in this seemingly hopeless situation, and he had to step up that mantle and be a hero... a hero of a different sort this time. Selflessness, self-sacrifice, and a level head and temperment were what he needed to help his people.

...His people... He inwardly gave a weak laugh; he already sounded like the Ghost Prince, didnt he?

Danny pulled away from Dora after a few minutes and smiled at her. "I understand," he said, looking her in the eye. Dora smiled back and wiped at her eyes with her hands.

"Oh, look at me, blubbering like a milk maid...!" she quipped to herself. She situated herself properly and sighed. "I shall send for the page..."

"Dont bother," Danny said, hooking his belt around his waist and pulling on a pair of black gloves. "I'll see to Pariah myself." Giving her another smile, he transformed into Phantom and turned and left his room on his own for the first time since arriving to the castle.

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