CHAPTER 10 - Interludes II

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Another small chapter, but dont worry, Chapter 11 will be up tomorrow.


Ever since Fright had visited them with news on Danny's whereabouts, Sam and Tucker hadnt had a moment's rest from worrying about their best friend.

True to their word, they said nothing to Danny's parents, or anyone else for that matter, but they DID confide in Jazz. Danny's sister dropped everything in college and came back to Amity Park and demanded that Sam and Tucker tell her everything they knew, which wasnt that much.

It took a LOT of convincing to prevent her from going into the Ghost Zone herself to fetch her little brother, especially since she was skeptical as hell of Fright's words.

The next time Fright came to the human world, she had to be held back by Sam and Tucker from going into 'going fighter mode', and she demanded proof that her little brother was safe. Luckily for him, Fright did indeed have proof - a note from Danny himself. Jazz read the letter carefully, and recognized the handwriting. But she looked carefully for the 'emergency phrase' she and Danny had collaborated on when they were younger. If Danny was in trouble, or being monitored, he would sign his letters with 'Much Love'; to other people, this wouldnt register much, but in reality, Danny didnt put a farewell before his signature.

This letter had no farewell, but if DID have a post script:

Jazz, I know you're reading this; listen to Fright.

So Jazz did listen, and asked for more details about Danny's role in the Ghost Zone's new change in government. Fright again said he couldnt give many details, but he gave a basic run-down, leaving out the huge detail that the major change in government was the Ghost King Pariah Dark, and another smaller, but still huge detail that Danny was to be married and become its Prince, as well as joining the ranks of pure ghosts on his 18th year.

But they would figure that out soon enough. And by the time they did, the man-made portals would be destroyed, and all natural portals would be heavily guarded . But he kept all thoughts to himself and went back to the Ghost Zone, leaving more questions than answers.


Vlad Masters was worried.

Not about his company, or his secret; he was worried about his adversary, Daniel. This would naturally be a laughable thing, if any of his associates knew what he was worried about, but the point remained that Vlad - on some deep, almost-untouchable level - cared about Danny, and was getting quite anxious about the boy's whereabouts.

He honestly didnt know what could have happened to him. A regular kidnapping didnt make sense; Danny's ghost powers would allow him to scape, easily. A ghost kidnapping was another matter, but he was sure his associates would have alerted him to anything if Danny was in the Ghost Zone. The Guys in White? Laughable. Those idiots were incompetent to the point that the bloody Box Ghost could elude them.

So where was he?

As soon as he had heard from Maddie and Jack that Danny was officially declared missing, he had tried everything in his power to help. He had asked Skulker to keep him posted on anything in the Ghost Zone, hired the best in the business to keep watch in the human world, and kept tabs in the GIW's databases to keep watch for any word on Danny, but all to no avail.

Today, he had taken a trip to the Fentons to offer his tri-weekly condolence visits, actualy feeling sorry for Jack, who was in a deeper state of inconsolance than Maddie, it would seem. He found that Jazz was home from college, and Danny's friends Sam and Tucker were with her. They talked in Jazz's room while the adults talked in the kitchen, but as they letf the room, he couldnt help but notice that they didnt seem as distraught as the parents.

Naturally suspicious, he created a duplicate to talk to Jack and Maddie while he himself decided to spy on the kids. He watched as they discussed Danny and how HAD to be okay, if the note was any indication. Curiosity piqued, he returned to the duplicate and remerged, waiting until his visit was over and the kids went home. After Jazz was asleep, Vlad snooped around for the aforementioned note, and finally found it in one of Jazz's notebooks, hidden between two essays.

He read it, staring incredulously at the contents.

Daniel was part of a reorganization of government in the Ghost Zone? He was apparently going to become a key leader? What in the world...?

He finally read the post script, and scowled.

Fright Knight.

He growled and put the note back where he found it, and teleported back home.

That damned Knight had a LOT of explaining to do.

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