CHAPTER 3 - Dinner

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Again, much love for the review! And to answer a frequently- asked question, no, this will not be an mpreg fic. Sorry to those who wanted it, but there's a time and a place for it... but not this time.


After Danny had come to his senses after the whole 'consort' thing, he realized where he was, and began to make a big ruckus, pulling on the bars - in process finding that the usual 'humans are ghosts in the Ghost Zone' thing didnt work here - and shouting to be let go. Apparantly no one could hear him, and Danny wished his human form could access his Ghostly Wail to get his point across.

It had to have been at least a day that he'd been there, and he was getting really hungry; his stomach had been in knots from the nightmare, so there was no breakfast, and chemistry had been before lunch, so he had yet to eat anything for over 24 hours. It still didnt keep him from relentlessly shouting until he was hoarse to be let out of the dungeon until he passed out from exhaustion that had been contributed by using his Ghostly Wail earlier.

When he came to, however long THAT was, he felt a pain both in his stomach and his throat, which was still sore from the cut-short Wail and his shouting to be let out of the cell. That alone made him feel like shit, but pair that with the fact that he was still in the Ghost King's dungeon while said King was out doing God-only-knew what else, and he was downright miserable. He tried to ignore the pain in his stomach and throat and huddled in a corner of his cell to await whatever horrible fate the Ghost King had in store for him.

Not an hour later, the man who had abducted him, the King's page, appeared at his cell and unlocked it.

"My Liege wishes an audience with you in the dining hall."

Danny was torn between jumping up and accepting anything to do with food, and telling the page exactly where Pariah Dark could shove that wish. He went with his stomach and stood up, cracking his neck and stepping put of the cell. The page grabbed his arm with just enough force to make him keep up, but not hard enough to bruise, Danny found himself grateful for, and led the way out of the dungeon.

Danny took the time to look around as they walked, nothing that in the short time since his incarceration, the castle began to look less like a decrepit ruin and more like... well... a nice castle. Minus the mounted animal heads and such, but still, nice. He realized that they had climbed two flights of stairs as he was looking around. "...The dining hall is upstairs?" he asked.

The page tightened his grip on Danny's arm fractionally. "No," he replied curtly. "His Majesty requested that you make yourself presentable before appearing in the dining hall."


The page made a growling sound of impatience. "Are you REALLY that dense, boy? My Liege wishes you to join him in the dining hall. He wants you to be presentable. You will make yourself clean and presentable. As they say in this day and age, do the arithmatic!"

Danny resisted the urge to correct the analogy, and just let himself be led through the halls; he was too hungry to argue. The page came to a set of double doors and opened them, non-too-gently pushing Danny inside. "Make sure he looks properly presentable to Our King."

"Yes, sir," a familiar female voice said, making Danny look up as the page closed the doors behind him.


Indeed, Princess Dorathea was in the room, looking about as terror-stricken as Danny was too famished to actually feel. She gave him a brave smile and walked over, leading him into the room by his hand. "Dora, what are you doing here?" Dora sighed and settled him dutifully on a large coffee table-sized ottoman.

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