CHAPTER 9 - Amusement

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100 reviews before Chapter 10? I love you guys!

On another note, I know that a lot of you are wondering when the romance is coming in... well, it'll be awhile. I'm trying to let this story play aut instead of rushing it and missing a few key points, so just be patient with me, mkay?


Danny began his exploration outside of Pariah Dark's wing, naturally. But even the lack of anything personal of the Ghost King's turned out to be interesting. He found the library, which looked to rival Ghost Writer's own, and Danny was SURE that the 'Writer would drool at the sight of those ancient tomes. After the library, he found his way to the dining hall, which was empty, but Danny looked it over anyway, and decided to use it as a central place in his explorations.

He found the kitchen, where several ghosts were bustling around, one particular ghost, most likely the head chef, barking orders. Danny was a little hungry, but he didnt want to break the rhythm of which the ghosts were working, so he decided to wait until lunch.

It took him nearly a half hour to find his way outside in the courtyard, where Danny was surprised to see was flourishing with new plants. After looking around, Danny saw that the area surrounding the castle had expanded, and did indeed include a villa past the courtyard. It reminded him a lot of the castles and kingdoms he'd learned in history class, and he figured Pariah Dark was trying to rebuild his kingdom to how he used to rule it.

He couldnt help but wonder if this was how Pariah Dark's kingdom once looked - be it before he died or before the big uprising - then it was a very beautiful and majestic kingdom to be in the near future.

Danny walked along the courtyard for awhile, looking at the ghostly flora, which Danny hadnt seen since Undergrowth had tried to take over the world. Only this time, they didnt try to eat him or anything. They looked much like Earth's flowers, only glowing slightly, and with more outlandish shapes that looked like a cross between roses and poppies, and smelled like the perfume his sister wore to her senior prom; a jasmine-like floral, yet amber-like feminine musk.

An unbidden memory came forth, just by smelling those flowers. He remembered getting roped into helping Jazz pick out a dress for her prom, and they settled on an ethereal turquoise one-strap. He remembered how beautiful and grown-up his sister looked, and how angel-like she smelled, as she walked down the stairs, looking like a beautiful, lovely lady. These flowers had the exact same smell she did.

Not wanting to break down crying of nostalgia in the courtyard, Danny left and walked around to the other end of the castle, and paused when he found that it was already occupied.

The former Fright Knight was there, wielding a sword and stabbing at a pair of practice dummies. Danny watched, enthralled, as Fright not only incorporated practical battle maneuvers, but also used showmanship moves; spinning the word in the air, twirling it in his hand, and even performing in the two-sword style.

It was very entertaining to watch, and Danny found himself sitting down on a stone that jutted out of the ground to observe. He was reasonably good enough with a sword himself, but this was levels above his own menial skill.

After about ten minutes of watching, Fright suddenly stopped and lowered his swords. "Did you NEED anything, Phantom?"

Starting at first from the unprecidented addressing, Danny blushed a little and stood up. "," he replied. "I was just exploring a little and..." He shrugged lamely. "...You're good."

Fright snorted and turned to rack off to the side, picking up a black cloth and wiping his face and hands with it. "I was a Knight, boy," he replied shortly, sounding as though Danny had given him a mild insult rather than an honest compliment. "And I was the best. Captain of the Royal Guard, when I was alive, and head of the Ghost King's Knight's Court in death." He looked at the sword in his hand and snorted disdainfully. "And now, I'm a mere PAGE. That's lower than a squire. My duties plummetted from protection and missions of the King to running petty errands and babysitting."

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