Chapter 14

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  I flew to the aventurine mine as I was in my eagle form. The sorcerer and Ethan stayed in the forest. I knew I could handle this on my own. I landed behind a huge rock and peeked. The leader of tranquets was wandering at the entrance of the mine. I saw a young girl with him. Needless to say, it was Erica. She was accompanied by Lanshirens and tranquets. To my dismay, the conversation between Erica and her father was not showing the bond between a daughter and a father. She was calling her dad 'sir'. "Erica, we would like to announce you as the next leader of Lanshirens. You will accompany my daughter in the Aventurine War at Corta. My daughter will take over my throne. We will hold a special ceremony for her coronation, and make sure that it is perfect!" He finished his list of job for her. I turned myself into an ant and climb on Erica's steel armour.

  I stuck on her armour. Somehow I managed to crawl to her sword. I listened carefully to the coronation ceremony. The leader of the tranquets was really excited about his daughter's coronation ceremony. I remembered about my dad. My dad was excited to know when I inherited the ancient ability and mastered my sword practice. The wrath inside me was uncontrollable but I remembered what happened at last time's Madzitateguru. I disappointed my ancestors. I wouldn't repeat it. Suddenly, The leader of the tranquets was jumping in joy! He was jumping everywhere till he accidentally tripped on a stone and fell into the river. He swam out and dried himself. I heard horses neighing. The sound was familiar. The horses transformed into their human form and opened the carriage's door. I remembered the boots and that shiny golden armour. It was Emerald. I couldn't believe my own eyes.

  All of sudden, Erica bowed. Her armours were slippery. I fell on her boot. I climbed back to her sword and hugged it to not fall again. "Good afternoon, Princess Emerald. We've arranged everything for the war," Erica talked like a servant. I was waiting for Emerald's reply. My tiny ant's eyes were in anger. "There's no much time to talk. I have to attend today's Madzitateguru. I need to get ready. After the ceremony, we will have my coronation ceremony..." Emerald continued. "Uhmm...I need to talk to you. Only with you." I could see Erica's nervous eyes. The leader of the tranquets ran and hugged Emerald. "Sweety! How are you? I missed you so much. I am proud of you," Emerald cut him, "I said I wanted to talk with THIS GIRL ONLY. No emotional scenes here, dad! Well, if you guys excuse us..!" I was shell-shocked. Emerald was the real daughter of the leader of the tranquets. Something was flashing in my eyes. I couldn't see anything clearly but I could hear everything.

 "So, you're Cora's friend?" Emerald growled at Erica. Erica nodded unwillingly. "Well, you must have known about her. Everything about her. I will turn myself to look like Cora and you... You have to style me and teach me how she walks and speaks! If you don't do as my commands," Erica cut her, "Please don't do it, princess! I would only obey your orders! Please don't do anything to my parents and my little brother..." Erica begged but Emerald went into the mine as she smirked at Erica. Erica didn't move. She bowed down, near to her sword. "Cora, please go away! They might find you! If you don't attend today's Madzitateguru, then no one can save Crustel. Now, go... and there is something important. Emerald is planning to kill you! Please be safe, Cora." She whispered with her low voice and pushed me away from her sword. I turned myself into an eagle and flew to the forest. I was wondering that how did she know that I was on her sword. As I was flying, tears dropped from my eyes and landed on the soft green grass. I landed between two huge trees.

  I turned back into my human form. I searched for the sorcerer and Ethan. Luckily, my eyes met Ethan. I ran towards him. I pressed his shoulder and he was shocked. "Cora? What are you doing here? You should be at the mine. You have to stop the blast." I just gave him a tight slap to stop him. I took a deep breath. "Where's the sorcerer?" I asked as my voice was very low and deep. He pointed me a hut as he was holding his hot cheeks. I hurried to the hut. I entered in. Ethan was muddled. He was puzzled by my sudden uncanny behaviour. "HELLO?" I yelled. There was no answer. I went in. I saw the book that we brought from the secret library. I turned slowly behind. Much to my horror, the sorcerer was laying on the floor. I kneed down. I shook him. Ethan saw me. He joined me. We shook the sorcerer. I found a handwritten note on the left pocket of his robe. I read it. 

  "Cora, I can't stay much longer. The only way I could do to save you is to separate my soul from my body and bond it into this book. The book that I wrote. I believe in you Cora. If you need help, just whisper at the book. I am always with you..." I didn't know how to react but I took the book. I shrunk the book and hid it inside my amulet. I saw the sunset. The blazing sun was disappearing behind a mountain. It was time for Madzitateguru. 

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