Chapter 8

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 I almost forgot that I was still looking like an eagle. I went near the eagle, "Mr Eagle, who is Lama and when will he come?" The eagle giggled. "It seems like you really don't know Lama, Princess," the eagle whispered. I was shocked. Did that eagle just called me princess?! Oh my god. "Now, you guys join with the other birds. We are about to start a show for you guys!" the eagle pushed both of us with its strong wide wings towards the seat. Luckily there were two empty seats. We sat with relief because after flying and walking for so long, we needed to take a rest.

 Suddenly a bunch of monkeys jumped from literally every corner and sat decently on the left corner of the stage. They had coconuts, rock, steel rods, bamboo and seashells. "Presenting.... our performer and star of the day..!" the silence was indicating suspense. I was sitting on the edge of the seat and waiting eagerly to know who is the star. To my horror, a black panther with a pair of eyes just as similar as ruby showed up. It had a shiny black tail. "HELLO everybody. Get ready to dance in the count of, 1, 2...3" the panther started singing. Ethan and I exchanged looks. "Should we sneak out?" Ethan whispered to me. "I don't think that will be a great idea. If we fly or sneak out, definitely this audience will stop us," I explained the difficulty of executing his idea. He nodded unhappily.

 While the panther was singing, he was accompanied by his band, which was the bunch of monkeys that gave a freaking entrance. The monkeys were actually playing music with those things. I never knew those things could make magnificent music. Without my knowledge I was dancing with a sparrow, tiger and monkey meanwhile Ethan was flying around with other eagles. Finally, he figured out how to fly. We were enjoying the song till I heard and listened carefully to the lyrics, " The queen of a kingdom, ran into the unknown, realizing she is still alive, people of the kingdom celebrating and singing for her. She forgot everything. As the loyal people of her kingdom, we know the truth and let's sing it for her," the lyrics gave me a hard knock on my head. The panther we met should be Lama and it is not necessary that he has to be in a human form. 

 I flew to the stage, stood beside him and flapped my wings so hard. Everyone was stunned and shocked. I turned back to my normal form; human form but my hair was even neat and a red gown shining and splendid. I realized who I was. I am the princess and the future queen of Crustel. I sang with the panther, revealing the truth, "Now, the queen has arrived, for her fellow folks. I haven't forgotten. I have the strength and power to win back my kingdom..." ending the song with a high pitch with the panther. A correction, it's not the panther, he is the Great Lama. He really used his powers to bring back my memories with his song. 

 The sound of applause brought me back to reality. I remembered my childhood in Crustel. I remembered who Lama was for me. I was different from my family members. Not like mom or dad. I was referred to as more powerful than Bargan. Lama trained me and his training sessions with me didn't turn him down. I had power. A power where I can change into anyone and anything. That is why I could fly quite well when I turned into an eagle because of my experience but I lost touch with flying. It caused me to bump on that huge tree. I could even change myself to look alike, Lama. I hugged Lama. I saw his watery eyes. I have never seen him crying or being emotional before.

 I remembered the spells. I turned Ethan back to his normal form. He was relieved and hugged himself. "I missed you." He was talking to himself. I couldn't manage myself. So, I burst into laughter. Now I knew who he is. He is my best friend. He always skipped his classes and gets punished by Lama almost every time. My childhood life flashed as I retrieved my memories. The worst part was I remembered the Lanshiren girl. The one claiming herself that she is the queen but something hit me. Why did she behaved kindly to me and brought me to Crustel when she is my enemy?" Before I finished recollecting everything, to my dismay, a huge serpent that I was supposed to be its lunch before, stood in front of me. I was afraid. Then, I knew that it was my pet. It really grew so enormously. I saved it when it was attacked by the eagle. YES, the eagle that brought me here. I saved this serpent and it became my pet. 

 "So, you remember everything?" Ethan asked worriedly and I nodded. Then, the eagle announced, "Guys, sit back at your seat. We have a special ceremony. MADZITATEGURU." I was excited. The audience sat back in their seats. I was eagerly waiting for the moment. Oh yaa, you guys don't know what is Madzitateguru right? Let me explain. It is a special ceremony for the royals. When a tragedy is over and the royals need to meet with their ancestors. The heir of the throne will be sitting in the middle of a circle where the ancestors will be standing around the heir of the throne. They will discuss and have a test. If the heir of the throne passes the test, they will crown the heir of the throne immediately but if I didn't pass the test, then I would be given a second chance on retrieving a gem from the forehead of the Leader of the Tranquets. (I can understand your feelings. That is only necessary when I fail this upcoming test.) 

 A monkey from the band blew its trumpet. It was the official start of the ceremony. My hands were shaking and cold. I could see Ethan in such condition. He has never seen Madzitateguru in person. He showed me thumbs up from his seat. I smiled. I sat in the middle of the circle prepared by Lama.

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