18.. No matter what

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Silence prevailed everywhere after what Richard had uttered leaving Ally shocked to the core . She knew that her mother has died but her Nanny was the one who raised her she always thought of her as her own mother . First he didn't care about her or to tell her about her mother like how she died what Happened to her and here he killed the only one whom she loved dearly

She didn't hate her father before when he never showed any love , never gave her a little glance let alone looking at her . How can she forgive him now after whatever he did to her , no that won't happen.

" Why " Ally asked him

" It was never my intention to hurt her , but after the news of my wife's death i lost it . From that day i was harsh to everyone,to her too whom i have been respecting though. Always ready to explode . And when i got to know that she had been teaching you about her religion, a Muslim then i lost it again . That was a mistake which i shouldn't have done and i am sorry i wasn't in my right state of mind "

" What, now what i have lost the last person whom i loved too now there is nothing left , don't apologise" she whispered clasping her both hands she kept her down ,not wanted to show her tears . She always hated that how sensitive, fragile she is and the tears on top of that which will flow down whenever her heart bleeds

Fin pulled her to himself , she borrowed her face in his chest hiding herself getting his warmth makes her comfortable. Fin could feel how drained she is because of getting shock after shock

Nobody spoke for sometime, Ally cried herself to sleep in his arms . Fin spoon her in his lap considering her comfort and he was right when she sighed in relief in her sleep.

" So, the truth is revealed and its infront of us . Richard you had done some ... Oh h oh no not some but lot more mistakes and if i am not wrong then you regret them , right"

" Of course i do , I didn't have any idea that i have been in my grandfathers web with that mafia lord , shit bustard ..

" He is with him shit shit"

" What , whom are you talking about " james said

" Listen, there is that mafia lord i d dont know his name but i am sure he is grandfathers man , actually he was one giving orders which i would said to the man . You know he was working from behind this all the time and i was so blind to see that ,crap" yanking his hair he hit fist on the sofa

" He ordered you to order and you just did without thinking about the innocents life huh . Why would you just follow a man whom you dont know "
Fin spat out at his face

" At that time i was.."

" Yeah yeah , all bullshit we know that at that time you weren't in your senses to distinguish about whats right and whats wrong huh we got that already " james cut him out getting frustrated

Fin observed him , he saw that he wanted to tell something but they wouldn't allow

" Speak" atlast he gave him tha chance for which Richard has been looking

" after Five months of her being kidnapped , every second i was loosing my mind  i left everything my life was upside down , i left the job everything and i was always with polices finding my wife , i never lose hope , and i hoped that i would find her and she will be in my arms one day but , my soul shattered when one day morning i opened the door to see a coffin " swollen red eyes , he hid his face with both hands and continued" and a crying baby in a cradle beside the coffin"

Fin huffed controlling himself, just thinking that it was her , the baby crying out aloud beside her mothers coffin was his Ally only and this thing was like  piercing in his heart making it bleed to death

He thought, how would she react when she will get to know about all of this . And about Richard, now they can understand how he had felt that day , the one he loved dearly and almost gave his life and left his house will be in a coffin laid down like cold stature . Fin couldn't even imagine all of these things happen to Ally .

James too were sad for him , his pain relate his too ,he too had lost his wife .he too felt the same pain from which Richard is going through but he knows that Richards pain is much more than his , his wife got shot and was killed infront of his eyes and he got the chance to say goodbye to her but Richard had lost his wife months before and found her death at his door steps,the worst part is that his only grandfather did that to him ,his own family which is also shocking for them that how can someone so close would give you so much pain..

James sit beside him rubbed his back , consoling him . Richard wipe his face and said " after 3 months , there came a man he offered help to find the culprit, i wasn't in right state of mind to ask him who are you and how do you know that i am finding someone , on the contrary,i just accepted his deal he said that i have to  become leader of mafia group then only they would help me and i got trapped easily . I am soo sorry at that day i had been drinking, when i got the order to attack on the Church "

" Who sent you that"  james asked him

" Mafia lord"

" I am sure this mafia lord and your grandfather are together. First of all we have to find him then only we will proceed further"

" No, when we know that the main leader is my own grandfather who had destroyed our lives , then there is nothing to wait to get his head right away " Richard lashed out , the anger which he was holding in his burning heart is going to burst out what he didn't know that how he is controlling himself till now..

" Ok , Richard calm down . Mr Mark is a very clever man , when he could do so many planning then i am sure , by now he knows that his real face has revealed and he won't just sit down and do nothing. I am sure there must be going in his head " after thinking for a while , when no body spoke Fin continued. " This is about your grandfather we are talking right, he must be aged by now it means there is someone else who is running the black business"

This got there attention Richard said in an instant" this must be my father , he always wanted to be the head of the company, I didn't know that its mafia they were talking about " he sighed in displeasure, first his Grandfather and now his father . At this time all of them seems murderer in his eyes , he was just being patience to have their blood and avenge his wife

" Richard, you said that when you shifted here , there were only you , your wife and Nanny, but wasn't there any of your friend at your wedding, i mean friends do accompany you at that type of occasion huh" Fin said

" Yeah , i had two friends, my best friends but i haven't contacted them since a while , and i remember one of my friend was the head of mafia and he would always ask me to join , now he is disappeared and there is no clue of where is he now , Although i have found that one is dead and since i join this business i haven't hear anything"

Fin suddenly stood up cutting him in between and quickly went towards the drowsy girl who was walking towards him only . He let her sit on his lap , this content feeling give him strength that no matter what happens he will protect her , be it her father, grandfather or great grand Father..

" We will continue this later , and yeah there is nothing to do further but to reveal their black business , expose them and they would be finish". Fin spat out and went out of the house scooping her in his strong arms..

But before closing the door , he turned around and said " I am taking her somewhere for a week, all of this has gotten a troll over her head so _ she needs a break , James i will call you myself ok don't ring me, bye"..

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