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Heyy again..

October 5th, 2019


"NIGGA IS MY MO FUCKING BIRTHDAY", I screamed into the phone while getting a shape up.

"I know", Jalen said. Then he was looking at me with smile on a face through the phone.

"So when you coming", I asked him.

"Um like around 6:30", he said. It was currently 4:54 and after I get the haircut, I have to take a shower to put on my outfit.

"Ok, call me when you leaving", I said.

"Ight, I love you", he said.

"Love you too", I said.

"Bye", we said to each other before he hanged up the phone.

"All done, Mr. Tre", my barber said.

"Ight, thank you man I appreciate it", I said as I got up from the chair and sapped him up.

I am currently at my house right now. My mother wanted me to feel special by the barber coming to my house.

I went downstairs to get a little snack before I head back upstairs.

I entered my room to get my underwear. Then I went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and made the water hot. I turned on my bluetooth speaker so I could listen to music while shower. Went on my phone to connect it. Then I went on youtube to play A-Boogie 'Startender".


"You ready Tre" my mom asked.

I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure that I was looking fresh to death.

"Yeah, I'm coming", I said.

My mom wanted to be 30 minutes fashionably late to make people come in to cheer for me.

I walked downstairs to see Sierra recording me hyping me up.

"Look at him feeling himself", Sierra said.

"We have no time fo that come on", my mother said as she put on her shoes.

"You just ruined the moment ma", Sierra said.

Then we walked out of the door. When my mom started to drive, Jalen started to text me.

'Where are you'

'I'm coming'

'Everybody is hear
except for you guys'

'We were trying to be
fashionably late'



'But seriously tell my
mother in law to step

on it'

'Aww that was cute'

End Conversation.

"Jalen is telling you to drive faster", I said to my mom.

"It will be fine", she said.

She continue to drive closer and closer to our destination.

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