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Before I start, I'll give a shout out to lizzy_lizzie for all the comments on my last chapter 😊❤️I know she's surprised. This surprise shout out thing is funner than I expected 😂❤️ Y'all should follow her and check out her book called "Random Psychological facts"!!!!!

Alright let's get in to the chapter..😊


I stared at Yure blankly after hearing what he just said.

"Are you stupid?" I started.

He just stood there, looking at me with his hands in his pocket.

"What on Earth makes you think you have the right to do that?!" I spat.

"It's first period, Giwa. That girl has a class. You and I know very well that we're not supposed to punish juniors when they're supposed to be in class" he said very calmly.

I don't know why he does that. You're literally fuming and he just talks so calmly like it's not getting to him at all.

"You have no right to unpunish my girls." I said.

"The same rules apply to both girls and boys. They should be in their classes by now and not serving punishment." he easily responded.

"Didn't you see the black socks she had on? So what did you expect me to do!?She was breaking a rule!!" I shouted.

"And don't you realise you're doing the exact same thing by keeping her away from her class even when the school forbids it?" He retorted.

"I'm trying to make students obedient to basic rules! I have to have a firm hand when the time calls for it"

"Yeah like how you did with those Ss1 girls after assembly right?" He said and for the first time, his voice had an edge. "Really nice way to treat people on their first day"

His sarcasm made me even angrier. Why was he always on my case!?

"Why don't you just mind your business!" I shouted. "You're the head boy so handle the boys and stay in your lane. I'll handle my girls the way I see fit to. Stop coming into my case and be pulling some Jesus Christ savior of the world act. Stay in your fucking lane, Yure!! Is that so hard to understand!?"

He was quiet - just stood there, looking at me and not saying a word.

"And don't ever try to come between me and method of ruling ever again, Yure! I'm warning you for the last time!" I told him.

I knew some of my classmates were looking me over nastily but I didn't care.

However, Yure just sighed like someone who had had enough. Enough of me, perhaps. The giant boy just looked over to Krisdana who was still on my seat, balancing comfortably and confidently.

"Babe, please just stand up from her seat. Let's have peace in this class." he said to her.

"No way! She can't keep having things going her way!" Krisdana adamantly shook her head in refusal.

That was when Nova spoke.

"Hey hey," he lifted his hands in a geature of mixed surrender and consideration, looking like he wanted to calm the air that was thickening with tension.

"Giwa, you can sit on my seat okay?" He said, pleading with me with brown eyes.

"It's too close to that witch!" I refused, scowling at Krisdana.

"Babe, please," Yure said to Krisdana, instead. Softly. Pleading. The halfcaste girl sighed, a sigh that showed that she was reluctantly giving in. After rolling her eyes at me, she stood up from my seat... But oh, she took her time. She left slowly, didn't rush at all, moved at an exxagerated slow pace and I physically winced as I fought to slap all the races she was made up of right out of her.

𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now