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"I hope we all now understand how to differentiate a noun phrase from a noun clause?" Ms. Owunam, the English teacher said, as she literally scanned the entire class thoroughly, with her eyes looking above the glasses that hung on her nose.

I sighed to myself before proceeding to look at my watch. It's exactly five minutes to the end of this class, and I cannot wait for this woman to leave. I absolutely hated first periods on Tuesdays. Apparently, Hassana did too. As she sat by my side, leaning on her desk, looking all bored and frustrated with the class, I realised her English notebook was opened infront of her and she had not written a single thing on it since the class started. To be honest, I'm not sure if she'd been listening in class. It amazes me how somehow she still gets good grades.

Ms. Owunam, who I saw had already noticed Hassana's lack of enthusiasm started to slowly walk round the entire class, making sure to not pass every row as she went onn and onn about Grammatical functions.

Being as dramatic as she usually was, a smallish woman to say, she walked first past the first two rows where Idara Ekan and the others occupied, looking them closely like she was scrutinizing, then to the middle row where basically Yure and Krisdana sat, skipping an empty seat that Ivandor, who I could see was absent in class, should have been sitting on, before squinting her mean stare at  Nova and Shade by the empty seat, making both sort of cawar back a bit in fear. The new sitting position has been off to her since last week. She eventually moved past them to Sean and Marcus' row; the art students that sat directly in front of us. Then finally, to my row at the back of the class, where she was originally headed to from the start. She stood by Hassana's seat and slammed her hand on her desk, causing Hassana to jolt up in shock.

"Alfa!" She scolded. "If you find my class so unbearably boring, you can as well leave" she said, with a stern voice.

Hassana grudgingly adjusted and managed to sit upright, her face looking so frustrated.

Ms. Owunam started making her way back to the front of the class. And just as she got there, I noticed her getting distracted. Her slightly shocked look was fixed at the door of the class and slowly everyone in class started to look that direction as well to see just who it was, standing by the door, as though they were asking permission to come into the class at about two or three minutes to when it was supposed to be over. We were all certain about one thing; Ms. Owunam hated lateness.

"Fejaun?!" Ms. Owunam went.

Ivandor stood there by the door of the class.He akwardly ran his hands through his brown hair, down to his neck, and rubbed on it for a few seconds, tilting his head a bit as he looked at a raging Ms. Owunam who looked like she was about to throw some serious backflips.

At the other side of the classroom, I saw his cousin, Krisdana who looked a bit confused as to why he was so late to class. His friends, Yure and Nova, actually looked like they already knew, but were rather worried about the consequences of his lateness.

"How dare you show up to my class by this time?" Ms. Owunam said, her voice, having an edge to it.

Ivandor said absolutely nothing. What could he possibly say that would make Ms. Owunam understand?

Just as Ms. Owunam opened her mouth to speak again, the bell for second period went. I saw a small smile forming on Ivandor's lips, but never fully showing itself. He'd escaped Ms. Owunam's wrath. Typical case of saved by the bell.

The whole class became so noisy as all the art students started getting out their stuff to leave the class. Our next period was Chemistry, so we were going to be having a combined class with Ss3C Science students, who were probably on their way to our class right now. The Art students in my class however, were heading to Ss3C to meet up with their Art Students for Government Class.

𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now