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Hey y'all ❤️

I hope we're doing fine. I know things are not goimg too well in this country, but we will soar through it❤️

I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that facebook and instagram has branded all #endsars hashtag as false information. It's sad how people can be so insensitive towards lost lives. Shame on Zuckerberg sha. I alwaya looked up to that man, but oh well.

Let's begin...


"Giwa Falade will be indefinitely suspended.."

I felt my entire world freeze over.

I legit froze. My entire body went numb at the judgement laid upon me. The only thing that still moved were my shaky hands. Mum did well to take them gently, squeezing softly to calm me down.

The entire hall was filled with murmurs, distinctive murmurs that cut Proffessor Idok off her speech temporarily.

Ofcourse, they were all think and saying the same thing.

Indefinite Suspension?!

Hell, that's a safe ass way of saying expulsion. Indefinite suspensions are always never redeemed in Castron High.

I couldn't get suspended indefinitely. Not now. Not now. There's a lot to consider on that.

"Giwa, calm down." I heard Mum whispered softly.

I couldn't be calm. This wasn't something to be fucking calm about. Not at all.

Immediately, I was called back to the present as Proffessor Idok's voice sounded again.

All attention and focus, even mine, stayed on the Proffessor as she was ready to pass continue passing on her judgement.

"...Giwa Falade will be indefinitely suspended.."

We got that part already. Painfully.

"..from her post as the Head Girl of Castron High." Proffessor Idok finished.

Wait.. what?

Umm..did I hear correctly?

Even if the confusion was all over me, I still felt a tad bit of relief wash through me on hearing that.

..Just a post suspension?

Not an actual suspension? Just a post suspension??

With the new murmurs and side talks that came up, it was easy to tell that everyone else was confused as well, as they had, perhaps, expected a probably harsher punishment.

Professor Idok continued;

"That means that from today onwards, until further notice, Giwa Falade will seize to operate  as the head girl. That doesn't mean the post is taken away from her. She just can not continue to operate in her duties as the head girl of this great school with such a new, tampered-with reputation like this. We will know what action to take about her post when this all has died down." Proffessor Idok elaborated for all to hear.



Okay..that doesn't sound as bad. Anything other than an actual suspension please.

𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now