First Day at UA and Todoroki's Theories

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We start out this chapter with Izuku waking up in his hospital bed and seeing 5 people as he woke up the two girls he and Eijiro saved they were sleeping. His precious Tsu who was sleeping on his chest,Recovery Girl, and a Mouse like creature or was it a bear? Doesn't matter.

???:"My name is Nedzu how are you feeling Midoriya."

Izuku: "Like a plane just hit me full force."

Nedzu: "I would assume so. I'm surprised you were able to take so much before you got knocked out."

Izuku: "Please don't remind me."

Nedzu:"I apologize. The teen who attacked you was arrested immediately for assault, attempted murder and acts of Villainy."

Izuku: "Good I won't have to deal with him anymore thank you."

The two girls begin to wake up and say thank you for saving them and introduce them selves as Ochako Uraraka and Ibara Shiozaki. Izuku says it was no problem and smiles at them causing Shiozaki to blush a little bit as Uraraka nearly has steam coming out of her ears. Tsu then wakes up.

Tsu: "Hey Izu."

Izuku: "Hi Tsu."

Tsu: "Bakugo is finally getting what he deserves."

Izuku: "Yep no more time to worry about him."

Tsu then gets all the way on the best with him and nuzzles into his chest more.

Uraraka: "O-Oh is she your girlfriend?"

Izuku: "Yep the one and only."

Uraraka: "O-Oh."

The two girls then leave the office a little disappointed that he was already taken. While Tsu just nuzzled deeper into Izuku.

Izuku: "Wow Tsu you're affectionate today."

Tsu: "You're mine Ribbit."

Izuku's thoughts:Larry when is the frogs mating season."

Larry: Early spring through summer

Izuku's thoughts:"Shit."

*Spring begins March the Japanese school year starts April*

Tsu proceeds to ribbit more and more as she feels Izuku's warmth

Izuku's thoughts: "I NEED AN ADULT!"

Larry: "Dumbass look to your right."

Izuku then sees Recovery Girl and Nedzu looking at him

Nedzu:"Don't worry Midoriya I am well aware of mating season just keep her under control."

Izuku's thoughts: "Well he isn't helpful."

Larry: "I wouldn't worry about it the author won't write smut he will probably just mention it if it happens."

Izuku: "What do you mean author?"

Larry:"Forget about it."

Izuku then tells Tsu to get off for a minute so he can get up the couple talk on their way home from UA and text their friends to train tomorrow.

The next morning

Izuku is sleeping hard as a rock on his bed and won't get up eventually Eri goes into his room and starts slapping him awake.Izuku eventually wakes up and runs to the beach to meet up with his friends. Before he does he looks at his stats and realizes he still has 20 available stat points to spend. He puts 20 into sense and gets pinged.

*Skill Unlocked You can now read emotions coming off certain people*
*Daily Quest unlocked*

Izuku: Larry explain the daily quest please

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