The UA Traitor

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"Monoma, what was that for?!" Todoroki asked. A smirk crossed Monoma's face.

"Stupid hero. Figure it out. Who else would give away the location of the USJ? How to get in? Time and date? Me! It was all me!" He cackled evilly. "I was never a hero. I would never be like the lump I call a father." Kirishima, frozen in shock, was quickly immobilized by Monoma. Todoroki though, threw off the paralysis. Todoroki then snarled at Monoma. Monoma just smirked and charged Todoroki.

"When I kill you, I'll tell them all. A villain attacked and I tried to help, but I was unable to save you!" He said reaching for Todoroki, to recopy his quirk. Todoroki threw a brick of ice into him though, but it was too late. Monoma had touched him. Monoma fired off a fire wave and it hit Todoroki. Todoroki recovered and ran towards him, surprising Monoma.

"Why run towards me when you're a long ranged fighter!" He fired off more ice, but Todoroki dodged again. When he reached Monoma, he punched him in the face with a right hook infused with ice. Monoma went flying and landed on the ground, knocked out.

Todoroki then melted the ice and began breathing heavily as Monoma's body melted and a slightly darker looking Monoma had appeared and had old blood stains all over a suit and tie he was wearing. "It's a shame, isn't it Todoroki?" Monoma says as he creates five clones, then begins to disappear. "I wish Endeavor was here right now to see his son SUFFER!" With that yelled, Monoma disappeared and Todoroki was jumped and swarmed by Monomas......

But before Todoroki met his demise, a dark blue fire came and melted 5 Monomas, Todoroki looked to see his savior expecting to see his brother Touya, but instead saw his father firing concentrated blue flames everywhere at the Monomas, avoiding the building and Todoroki's friends. "LEARN HOW TO CONCENTRATE YOUR FLAMES SHOTO!" Endeavor yelled as he blasted another Monoma's head off.

Todoroki got up as ran to his father and they began shooting flames at a horde of Monomas appearing out of the walls

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Todoroki got up as ran to his father and they began shooting flames at a horde of Monomas appearing out of the walls. Endeavor's flames started to die down and Todoroki could feel his father giving it his all. Todoroki used his right side and put ice on his back and he could feel his father cool down and get his second wind. "STAY AWAY FROM SHOTOOOO!" Endeavor roared as his flames became white as he incinerated every Monoma in his wake. Then, they stopped coming...
Todoroki and his father then slid down and sat back to back, Todoroki cooling them both off. "Shoto explain why I just had to incinerate several high school children please?"


Midoriya was fighting heavily against the Sludge villain trying to constantly shove himself down his throat, but he wouldn't allow himself to be killed that easily and Barry, Larry, and Jerry constantly helped him stay alive.
"I'LL BE TAKING THIS DOCTOR SHIELD!" Izuku the Sludge shouted as he jumped out a window after leaving the Doctor's body bruised, battered and broken. He had even made sure they assist and the doctor's daughter nearly dead on the ground.
Izuku the Sludge took the amplification device out of the brief case and put it on his head and he began to pulsate with power. "OH THAT'S THAT GOOD SHIT!" Izuku the Sludge shouted as he buffed up and he could feel his quirk growing in power, but it was also boosting Midoriya's quirks.

"I'M NOT GONNA DIE TODAY!" Midoriya yelled at the stop of his lungs and pushed the Sludge out of him, but the Sludge only surrounded him and they both continued to grow in strength and power. "RAGHHHHH!" Both bellowed as a cloud of smoke surrounded them and they began to somehow see eachother's flashbacks and their pasts. The Sludge Villain saw Midoriya's rough past and realized something he wasn't too different from this damn kid. In fact, if he hadn't broken and gone into a life of crime, he'd probably end up where this kid was. Midoriya saw a broken home and an abusive mother and father and him getting outcasted by society for having a villainous quirk. Midoriya and Sludge woke up separate with the device between them. Sludge and Midoriya look eachother in the eye and Midoriya stands up and sticks out his arm. "It's never too late to be a hero you know." Midoriya said and the Sludge Villain grabbed Midoriya's arm and began to attach himself to him. "I believe you broccoli boy." Sludge said as he took shape around Midoriya and put the device back on their head boosting them once more.

They shot off into the night as Sludge tendrils pushed them off buildings propelling them in the sky.

"We are Acid." They both shouted to the night.

" They both shouted to the night

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Hey Guys it's uh

Ya boi Glovehat I've been recently stressing with school and decided to focus that a lot more then writing stories I've also had a ton of writer's block I thank Swampertman for helping write the fight with Monoma and I also thank my girlfriend softlyhatake for editing my stories for me without them I probably wouldn't have gotten this far I'm going to be taking it easy and updating when I can I also decided maybe I should write something I've been wanting to try for awhile Don't worry it isn't about to be another book or anything it's just gonna be like slight stories I'll have no help with and y'all can just see what I'm capable of if you are still with me and reading my book sincerely (Wrote this before I published part 1 lol)

Thanks for giving me encouragement y'all special thanks to my girlfriend she do help a lot

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