The Brand New Successor

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As the 3 Villains walk up to a bar in Kamino Ward and knock on the door.

Bakugo: "Open up."

???: "What is your business here."

Bakugo: "To help kill Izuku Midoriya."

A man on mist then opens the door and says his name is Kurogiri and allows the three of them to come in.

Bakugo: "Where's the old man."

Kurogiri: "Do you mean All for One.Why are you looking for him."

Bakugo: "I want to inherit his power and kill Deku with my BARE FUCKING HANDS!"

Kurogiri: "Is Deku Midoriya?"


Then a man enters through a door from the side of Bakugo

???: "That won't be necessary Young Bakugo."

Bakugo: "How do you know my name old man?"

Old Man: "I saw the News broadcast it showed your faces and names. Also call me All for One or Sensei not old man."

Bakugo: "Fine All for One. Now can I have your power or what?"

All for One: I don't think you truly have what it takes to be the next All for One. You'll have to prove it to me.

Then before anyone can react Bakugo then turned to Chisaki and blasted him full force to where he is on the ground barely breathing.

Bakugo: "Give. It. Now. Sensei."

All for One: "That's pretty convincing but.If I do this I will die you will have to promise me to kill everyone in Japan."

Bakugo: "Guaranteed. With no mercy."

All for One then smiles as Bakugo just proved that he would make Japan his. All for One puts his hand on Bakugo's head and passes on All for One but he forgot to pass down his quirks to him. As All for One leaves All for One's body he dies.


Bakugo then looks over to Chisaki who has eyes full of fear.

Bakugo: "Your quirk."

Bakugo then grabs both of Chisaki's forearms and proceeds to take his quirk.


Bakugo: "YOUR TRUST WAS MISPLACED. Plus you shouldn't worry about life without quirks right now. It's not like you're living any longer."

Chisaki then looks on in horror as his arms begin to disassemble.Chisaki then let's out a blood curdling scream as a the villain Overhaul died. Bakugo was just laughing as he saw the terror in Chisaki's face the blood spilling out of his body. IT MADE HIM ECSTATIC!


With that Bakugo completely dissembled Chisaki's entire body and he was NO MORE!

Bakugo: "Himiko."

Himiko: "Yes sweetie?"

Bakugo: "Go wait upstairs for me I'll be there in a second."

Himiko: "Ok."

Kurogiri: "What are you planning Bakugo."

Bakugo: "I suggest you teleport somewhere for a few hours."

Kurogiri: "AND WHY IS THAT!

Bakugo: "Do you want to hear Himiko yell and moan in pleasure?"

Kurogiri: "I'll be back in 3 hours."

Bakugo: "Good riddance."

Then Kurogiri used a portal to go to the other side of the city and very loud sounds were heard from the bar that night.Kurogiri then comes back with a kid who he tied up thinking his new boss might appreciate it.Bakugo then comes downstairs to a crying child with a his mouth tied up.

Bakugo: "What do we have here Kurogiri."

Bakugo says this excited as he already knows a new quirk is inbound.

Kurogiri: "Well I found this kid in an alley and he tried to attack me with a massive dust storm."

Bakugo: "Sounds useful."

Bakugo then removes the rope from the kids mouth

Bakugo: "What's your quirk kid."

???: "A-Assault Dust."

Bakugo: "What does it do buddy?"

*Bakugo is acting nice to the child he is sadistic after all*

???: "Well I can generate and manipulate dust and shoot it at high speeds."

Bakugo: "So cool. I'll be taking it now."

???: "Wait what."

Bakugo then proceeds to forcefully rip the quirk from the child and then begins to use the Overhaul quirk on him. Kurogiri just stands in the background and sips his coffee while watching a child get disintegrated.


The child screams in agony as his quirk is ripped from him and his body starts to pull itself apart. Blood starts to drip from the chair onto the floor until the body of the child no longer exists.

Bakugo: "Yo Mist Bitch clean this shit up."

Kurogiri: "Mist Bitch?"

Bakugo: "Just do it."

Kurogiri: "Understood."

Bakugo then begins to walk out the door with a hoodie on to go prowl the streets for more children with quirks and steal them. Kurogiri then gets a created a portal for the blood to go into a cup *For toga* As Bakugo is prowling the streets he comes across a group of three kids two of which look alike.

???: "What quirk do you have Timmy?"

Timmy: "I have a quirk I named Air cannon and Sarah has something called Air walk."

???: "SOOO COOL! I have a quirk named electro magnetic bullets"

Timmy/Sarah: "SO COOL!"

Bakugo: "Hey kids."

3 of them: "HEY MISTER!"

Bakugo: "Such an energetic bunch."

Timmy: "Yeah we are pretty fun to be around."

Bakugo: "I saw some other kids with cool quirks over in that alley over there go check them out."

3 kids: "OK!"

Bakugo then follows the 3 gullible ass kids and as soon as they reach the alley he uses Overhaul to cover all the exits then sets off an explosion to the back of the kids. Then he takes the quirks of the two kids with air related quirks then starts to heat up his hands and explodes both of them much to the horror of their friend.


Bakugo: "Don't trust strangers dumb ass."

Bakugo then steals the kid's quirk and the irony about the situation he shoots a couple of air cannon shots at the kid infused with the electro magnetic bullets.

After mercilessly killing the children he dissembled their bodies to leave no evidence of what happened here other then the blood. Bakugo then leaves the area grinning to himself over his new quirks then on the way home he sees a guy walking home from work and comes up behind him. Bakugo then grabs the man and says.

Bakugo: "Move,shout, or if you don't listen to me you die."

???: "W-What do you want from me."

Bakugo: "What's your quirk."

???: "I'm actually quirkles-"

Before he could get the last letter out of his mouth Bakugo snapped his neck and threw him in a random trash can and walked back to the bar.

Bakugo's Quirks

All for One
Assault Dust
Air Cannon
Air Walk
Electro Magnetic Bullets

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