Training Izuku's Quirks and Completing the Harem

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Momo,Tsu,Kyoka,Uraraka,Kendo, and Shiozaki were outside of Izuku's dorm they were hoping to cheer him up three of them barely knew Izuku but they wanted to try to help him the best they could they knock on the door several times but it doesn't open. Until

Izuku: "Give me a minute to put clothes on."

Izuku then puts clothes on and opens the door to see the 6 girls. He then sighs and asks them what they want they say just want to talk to him so he let's them in the room they look over and see Eri playing with some dolls. The girls then say they just want to help Izuku and he says he is fine but then Uraraka runs up and kisses him much to the surprise of the 5 other girls.

*Quirk Gravity Control you have the ability to put 1 pound of extra mass onto a person's gravitational pull*


Uraraka: "I-I love him."

Tsu: "You can join in anybody else?"

Shiozaki and Kendo raise their hands.

Shiozaki: "He has captured my heart too."

Kendo: "I wanna go out with him too."

Before anything else happens Kyoka jumps onto Izuku and clings to him for dear life.

Kyoka: "I-I love you aswell ya d-dork."


With that Izuku then passed out from shock and Eri started screaming at the girls because they killed her big brother. In the middle of Eri going on a religious crusade to try to hit the girls Izuku wakes up after being passed out for 10 minutes.

Izuku: "I had the weirdest dream."

Larry: "It wasn't a dream."

*Mate with all your harem members +5 levels*

Izuku gets up and then proceeds to bash his head against the wall several times.



The three then blush at the memory of Izuku telling them he got a quest from Larry to mate with Tsu and he did it.

Momo: "Are you going to do the quest."

Izuku: "PROBABLY!"

The three girls then blush as they realize what is in store. The three other girls are confused so  Momo then explains it to them and they furiously blush.

Izuku: "Only if you guys want to but it will help me but we need to get Eri watched for a few hours."

The 6 girls then take Eri and hand her to Eijiro and tell him to not let her near Izuku's dorm room for a few hours.

*Quest Completed*

*Quirks gained
Creation the ability to create things the size of marbles or lower while taking up a large amount of your bodies lipids.
Plant Control you are able to control the grass in the ground and let it grow 2 meters higher
Body Growth ability to increase the size of any part of your body by .25 times the size.
Earphone Jack ability to grow earphone jacks from your ears about 2 inches off your ears your hearing is increased by times .50

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