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"What do you guys think this is about?" I ask as the five of us sit in the lobby of Simon's building.

"Who knows," Edwin says.

"It's probably something stupid as hell," Nick says, "It's never important."

"What if it is important?" Zion asks, "What if he is telling us that we are done?"

"No," I say, "We haven't even released the album yet."

"Plus we still have time in our contract," Austin says, "He can't just let us go now."

"If he lets us go, I swear I will beat the fuck out of the man," Zion says.

We all laugh, "I think all of us will," Nick says.

He's not wrong though. If Simon called us here today to tell us about splitting up then it'll be the end of the world. There is no way in hell the five of us would be able to deal with that. We aren't ready to split up yet.

The big door opens and a young lady comes over to us. I see her all the time, but I can never remember her name.

"He's ready for you guys," she says.

We all stand up, "Thank you," Edwin says.

She smiles and the five of us walk into Simon's big ass office. I still will never understand why his office needs to be this damn big.

"Boys. Good to see you," he says, "Please sit."

We do as he says and he smiles. He looks so happy and so excited. Maybe this isn't bad news?

"How have you guys been?" He asks.

"Good," I say.

"That's great. How's the music coming along?"

"It's okay," Zion says.

"It would be better if you guys actually let us release shit," Austin says.

Simon sighs, "I know, but that's not my business."

"It kind of is," I say. "You do have control over everything."

"I'll talk to them."

Nick rolls his eyes, "So what is the real reason you called us here?"

"Well I have great news for you guys," he says. "I talked to some of the management last week and we think we need a change for you guys."

"What kind of change?" I ask.

"We think we need a sixth member," he says.

"Excuse me?" Nick asks.

"You guys heard me," he says, "Think about it. Having a sixth member may make you guys bigger."

"How would that make us bigger?" Edwin asks, "Just because there is six of us doesn't mean anything."

"It would mean something," he says, "It would be great for you guys. You guys need a change."

"No we don't," Zion says, "The five of us are fine just the way we are."

Simon rolls his eyes, "I don't know why you guys are arguing. It's already set and you are getting a new member."

"That's bullshit!" I yell.

"Brandon, chill," Edwin whispers. I slouch down in my chair and I roll my eyes.

"Do we at least get to help pick him?" Nick asks, "Or have you already done that too?"

"You guys get to pick," he says, "But it's not a he. It's a girl."

"Huh?" Austin asks.

"Having a girl in the group will be an amazing opportunity for you guys," he says. "I'm going to have auditions for you guys starting tomorrow."

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