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[The next day]

"This is bullshit," I say, "I don't want to share a room with your ass."

"Well we have no other choice," Zion says. I have to share a room with Zion now because the two of us are the youngest. We thought it was the most fair, but I'm not thrilled that we have to share.

"I'll just sleep in the shed," I say. "It would be better than having to share with you."

"Oh, shut up," Zion says rolling his eyes.

The bedroom door opens and Nick walks in with a piece of my bed. We are moving all of my things into Zion's room, so Kaylin can have my room.

"I bring the bed," Nick says.

"Is Kaylin here yet?" Zion asks Nick.

"No, but she'll probably be here in like five minutes, so we need to clear everything out quickly," Nick says.

I nod my head and I walk out of the room. I walk to my room and I start to clear some more things out.

Simon told Kaylin he would buy her everything new which is bullshit if you ask me. Kaylin told him no which was nice on her part, but it's still stupid. Simon never helped us when we moved in. He probably wouldn't have cared if we were all sleeping on the floor.

"Hi," I hear behind me. I turn around to see Kaylin there with two big bags.

"Oh, hi. I didn't think you would be here so early," I say, "We are still clearing out my stuff."

"It's okay. I can help you move stuff," she says.

"No, I got it," I say, "You can start to unpack your things since this is where you'll be staying." She nods her head and starts to take things out of her two small bags, "Is that
all you have?"

She chuckles, "I wish. I have a truck full coming in still."

"Oh," I say. I grab the rest of the clothes from my closet and I start to walk out of my now old room. "Well let us know if you need anything."

I walk to the new room and I lay my clothes down on the floor. I'm going to have to go through everything since we have less room in here now.

"She's here," I mumble.

"Where at?" Nick asks while hammering a nail into my bed frame.

"She's in her room," I say which is really weird to say. That's supposed to be my room, but now it's hers. "You know, I'm still not fond about this idea."

"None of us are," Zion says, "But I guess we will just have to get used to it."

[2 days later]

"Hey, B!" Kaylin says while walking into my room. I roll my eyes and I stop the beat I was just working on.


"Want to get some lunch?"

"No," I say, "I'm working."

"You could work later," she says.

"Kaylin, no."

"Come on, Brandon."

"No!" I yell. "I don't understand why you are trying to hang out with me anyways. None of us want you here. None of us want to hang out with you!"

"Oh," is all she can say, "I'll go then."

She walks quickly out of my room and slams the door shut. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I shouldn't have said that to her, but I guess I just snapped. I'm still so overwhelmed by everything.

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