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"Do you like it?" I ask Kaylin as we put our things down on the bus.

She smiles lightly, "It's very nice. I love it."

"I'm glad," I say.

After her little breakdown at the venue we only stayed for a bit. The bus got here really early, so we decided to come so Kaylin could see it. Just us two though. The boys are getting their things from the hotel still.

"So where do we sleep?" She asks.

I chuckle and I pick up all of our bags. Most of our things are already packed up in the bus. We always have Karen put our clothes in here before we leave.

I walk to the middle section of the bus and I open the door to reveal twelve beds. They are all stacked on top of each other like bunk beds. Three on each row.

"Woah," she says, "These are so cool. I've always wanted to sleep in bunk beds."

"Well now you can."

"So which bed is mine?" She asks.

"Well the top bunk on the very end is mine, so I told Karen to put your things in the one across from me."

"Perfect," she says. After her scene I think she is doing a bit better. I really think she just needed to let it all out and be comforted. "After we unpack, can we please go to bed?"

"Who said we have to unpack first? Let's just go to bed now," I say.

She smiles, "Sounds like a great idea to me."

I put our bags down in one of the bottom junk bunks and I go to my bunk. I climb my way up and she watches me.

"Do you want to sleep with me?"

She puts her lip out a bit and gives me a baby face, "Pwease."

I chuckle, "Come on."

She climbs up just like I did, but I make sure to help her up so she doesn't fall. Once she is in the bed I scoot over the most I can and I cover us up.

"If I fall out of this bed," she says, "I'm going to kill you."

"Why me? You are the one that wanted to sleep with me," I say.

She slaps my chest lightly, "So you don't want to sleep with me?"

I chuckle, "I'm kidding, my love. Of course I want to sleep with you."

She lays her her head down on my chest and I wrap my arms around her small body. I kiss her head multiple times and she sighs.

"Thank you."

"For what?" I ask.

"For being there for me today," she says. "I know I push you out sometimes, but it felt good to actually let it out."

I tighten my grip on her, "I know, my love. Don't ever be afraid to talk to me or even just cry to me. I'm always going to be there for you."

"And that's why I love you."

"You love me?" I ask shocked. I definitely did not see that one coming.

"I do," she says. "I know we've only been dating for two weeks now, but we have been best friends for longer than that. In that time I've figured out that I love you even if it sounds absolutely crazy. I love you though."

I smile, "I love you too."

[The next morning]

I wake up to Kaylin gone. She's not in bed which upsets me. I just want to cuddle her cute ass some more.

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