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(Kaylin's POV)

Right as the curtain drops on the stage I legit feel like I'm going to die since I'm so nervous. I don't think I've ever been so scared before, but I tried to keep thinking about what Brandon said.

We instantly start singing 'Lying' and Brandon looks over at me and winks. I smile and we continue to perform.

As I look out at the crowd I start to feel a lot better. I start to feel like everything is going to be okay. Everyone in the crowd is so happy and they are so excited for the performance. It's cool knowing that we make these people so happy.


Right after the show we run off stage and I legit can't stop smiling. Everything was so much fun and the nerves eventually went away. It felt so natural. So right.

"I told you it would be fine," Brandon says.

I chuckle, "You were right."

He smirks and wraps his arms around my waist, "When am I not?"

I lean up and I quickly press my lips to his, "I guess never."

He smiles and lets go of me, "How about we go talk to some fans? Are you okay with that?"


We walk outside of the venue and there is tons of fans lined up against the fence. They immediately start screaming when they see Brandon and I. The boys have already been out here and I'm sure they screamed just as much when they saw them too.

I grab onto Brandon's hand and he gives me a tight squeeze and a reassuring smile. We walk to the fence and Brandon starts talking to some fans.

"Hi," a girl says to me. "You are Kaylin, right?"

"That's me," I say. "Did you enjoy the show?"

"I loved it. I just started following you, but I think your voice is so beautiful."

"Aw, thank you so much," I say. "I'm so glad that you enjoyed the show too."

She holds out a t shirt and a sharpie, "Could you maybe sign this for me? It would mean a lot."

I smile and I grab the sharpie and shirt from her, "Of course."

I start to sign the shirt and I quickly look at Brandon. He is taking pictures with a few fans and he looks so happy. I'm so happy that he has this.

"So how are you and Brandon doing?"

I put the cap back on the Sharpie and I hand them back to her, "We are doing amazing. Better than ever."

"I'm glad to hear that. I wish nothing but the best for you both."

I smile super big again, "Thank you so much. It was very nice meeting you."

"You too."

I walk away from her and I walk to the end of the fence so I can see a bunch of other people. Brandon is already down on the other end and he is taking more pictures.

"Kaylin!" Someone yells. She looks so excited for me to be here in front of her. When I come closer I realize she has tears rolling down her face.

"Hi," I say. I lean over and I give her a big hug.

"I can't believe this," she says pulling away from me and wiping her face. "I have been following you for six years now."

"What?" I say. "Seriously? That's amazing!"

"I have always listened to your covers on Instagram and I have always wanted to meet you. It's been my biggest dream ever."

"Aw," I say. "You are so sweet."

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