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"Thank you, Ashley," Edwin says. "We will get back to you soon."

She smiles and Todd shows her the way out. We have been doing this for about two hours now and we have no luck. None of the girls are what we want.

I want to give up at this point.

"Ready for the next one?" Todd asks.

"I guess," Austin says.

Todd walks out to get the next girl and I lean over to Nick, "I might leave to go get Starbucks."

He laughs, "I don't blame you. I'm coming along because this shit isn't getting anywhere."


Todd brings in the next girl and she looks really excited to do this. I think all of the girls were excited, but she is literally glowing with excitement.

All the girls were really pretty too, but she is absolutely gorgeous. She has long brown hair and deep blue eyes. She has some freckles on her cheeks and has dimples. Her smile is really big and absolutely beautiful.

"Hello," Edwin says to her, "What is your name?"

"My name is Kaylin," she says.

"What are you going to be singing today?" Austin asks.

"Falling by Harry Styles," she says. Damn. She even has a good taste in music.

The boys and I stay quiet and she starts to sing the song. Her voice is actually perfect. It's so angelic and so soft. It's beautiful.

She continues to sing until Todd stops her to tell her that her time is up. Simon said to only give them thirty seconds each to sing. Which I think is stupid, but I guess I'm not the boss.

"That was wonderful," I say, "We will call you in the next few days to give you an answer."

She smiles, "Thank you."

Todd leads her out the room and then I look down at her paper. I put a check mark in the top corner of the paper with the words, 'I like her for us.'

[2 days later]

"Boys, I need a decision today," Simon says while walking into the studio.

"I thought we still had another day?" I ask.

"Well there has been a change in plans and we need to know today," he says. "You guys better get to discussing who it is."

"We will call you later," Zion says.

"Whoever you pick will be moving in tomorrow too, so I suggest you clear some shit out in your house."

"Tomorrow?" Nick asks.

"Yes, tomorrow. Now get to picking the girl because I don't have all day."

I roll my eyes and Simon walks out of the studio. I grab my stack of papers and we start to go through them.

"Honestly, there was only like three girls that interested me," Nick says.

"Same," I say. "Who were your three?"

"Callie, Renee, and Kaylin."

I smile, "I liked Kaylin too."

"Which one was that again?" Zion asks.

"It's the girl that sang Falling," I say.

"Oh, I loved her," Austin says.

"Her voice was beautiful," Ed says.

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