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"OH MY! NICK! BRANDON!" I turn around to see two girls running towards us. Here comes the fans now.

"Hey," Nick says once they are next to us. "How are you guys?"

The one girl hugs me and the other one gives Nick a quick hug, "We are doing great. How are you guys?"

"Doing well," I say. I look down at Kaylin and I can tell she is even more nervous than before. I grab her hand and I give it a tight squeeze.

"You are Kaylin, right?" The one girl asks.

Kaylin smiles lightly, "That's me. It's nice to meet you both."

The other girl smiles super big, "You too. I thought it was really cool news when the boys announced they were getting a new member. It's really different and we love the idea."

"Aww, thank you," Kaylin says.

I smirk, "I think it was a pretty good idea too."

Nick chuckles and then turns back to the two girls, "Are you guys coming to any shows?"

"We are. We are going to the Dallas show. Our flight leaves early tomorrow morning," she says.

"Well we hope to see you guys there again," I say, "It was nice meeting you both."

"Before you go can we get pictures?"

"Of course," Nick says.

We each get a picture with the girls. They even wanted a picture with Kaylin and I thought it was great. I'm glad her first experience with fans was with really nice girls that support her too. I know it made her feel good.

"See you guys," I say. We all wave goodbye and we start to walk back to our gate. I look down at Kaylin and I wrap my arm around her waist as we continue to walk, "I told you that not everyone hates you."

She smiles, "You are always right, B."

We keep walking until we get to our gate where Edwin is still at. "Where the fuck is my food?"

"Shit," Kaylin says, "I forgot. Zion or Austin might have got you something, but I'm not sure where they are."

"You people suck ass," Edwin complains.

The intercom comes on and says that our flight is now boarding. The other two idiots better hurry up before we leave without them.

Kaylin puts the hood up on her hoodie and puts one of her AirPods in. Even though everything went okay with the fans I can tell she is still really nervous. Just because some fans were nice doesn't mean they all will. She knows that and so do I.

She steps forward a bit and I stand behind her small body. I wrap my arms around her from behind and I rest my head lightly on her shoulder, "Talk to me," I whisper.

"There is nothing to talk about," she says, "I'm okay."

"No you aren't," I say. "You are scared." She sighs and then takes her other AirPod out of the case. She puts it in my far ear and starts to play some music. "Now you are trying to avoid talking to me."

"I'm just scared to meet the fans that don't like me. I don't want to hear what they have to say about me."

"I know," I say, "But it doesn't matter what they say. You are perfect just the way you are."

"You know I've never been good with dealing with that shit though. I let it get to my head and I believe everything that they say."

"How about you just believe what I say? And I say that you are beautiful, amazing, hardworking and the most perfect girl I've ever met."

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