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[The next morning]

"What if he really does make me leave?" I whisper to Brandon as I lay down on his chest.

"Then so be it. I'll leave too," he says.

"No, you won't," I say. "I would just leave and you would stay."

"I don't want you to leave the band though," he says, "It's what you are meant to do."

"Maybe I'll find it somewhere else," I say.

He sits up and jumps down from the bed, "Well let's go find out what he has to say."

Brandon grabs me and helps me get down from his bed. We walk to the front of the bus to see the boys all sitting around eating their food.

"Has Simon came by yet?" Brandon asks.

"Not yet," Austin says.

"I'm sure he will be here soon," Nick says. "He always likes to do things super early."

I go to the cabinets and I start to pour some cereal into a bowl for Brandon and I. Usually I don't eat it all, so we share.

"So what do you guys think he is going to say about it?" Zion asks.

"That I'm leaving," I say.

"No," Brandon says, "He's just going to tell us that we are irresponsible and stupid kids."

There is a small knock on the door and it opens up quickly. Simon walks on with Todd right behind him. They shut the door and everyone stays quiet.

"Boys, can you give us some time with Brandon and Kaylin?" Todd asks.

"Uh, sure," Edwin says. The boys all leave and I sit down on the couch next to Brandon.

"Todd has told me some unexpected news," Simon says, "That you are pregnant?"

I sigh, "I am."

"You do know what this means, right?"

"No," I say. "What exactly does it mean?"

"You can't be in the band anymore," Simon says, "It's not good for you or Brandon or the whole entire band."

"How does it matter?" Brandon asks. "This doesn't affect anything. I'm still going to be in the band and everything is going to be fine."

"It doesn't matter," Simon says. "She's out and don't be stupid, Brandon, or I'll kick you out too."

Brandon rolls his eyes, "Whatever, but she's not leaving. She is staying right here until tour is over. And she is going to continue to live with us."

"I don't know if that's possible," Todd says.

"You'll make it possible," Brandon says, "Or I'll leave too and I'm sure you don't need that."

"Fine," Simon says. "We will make it work, but you also can't tell anyone about any of this."

"That's not for you to decide. We can tell people if we want," Brandon says.

"You won't," Todd says. "End of discussion. We will be back tonight for the show. Don't do anything stupid."

The two of them walk off of the bus and Brandon groans, "They are such assholes."

I chuckle, "Don't get me wrong, I'm upset that I have to stop, but maybe it'll be a good thing. I'll have more time to focus on being pregnant."

He smiles, "Maybe you are right."

I lean up and I press my lips to his. He smiles into the kiss and then I pull away.

"How about Ruby?" I ask.

He starts laughing, "Ruby? Hell no. We could do Jack?"

"It's too original," I say.

"Fine," he says, "We will figure it out later. We don't need to choose now."

"You are right," I say.

He chuckles, "I love you, Kaylin."

"I love you too," I say.

"And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," he says.

I smile and I quickly kiss his lips, "I can't wait too." I kiss his lips again, "I'm just glad that I was the chosen one. The one to be the new one."

"Me too, my love, me too."

                                    The end

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