Chapter 29

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Lyta's POV

We made our way through a tunnel Ana had created, weapons out and alert for any noises. There was no need to bend down, which was a relief, but now my back was prickling, expecting an arrow or a sword to sink into it, and I kept glancing repeatedly over my shoulder.

Ana gave me a reassuring smile. "It'll be fine. I created this tunnel, and then sealed it off. No one'll find us." My mouth suddenly felt like it was packed full of desert sand. "Sealed off?"

She nodded. "Yeah. So what?" I glared at her. "So what? I'm claustrophobic, that's what." She turned around, walking backwards so she could look at me thoughtfully. "I guess that explains it," she mused. "The ocean is free to go where it pleases. Probably doesn't like being trapped."

I shuddered. "It explains why I hate wells." Ana stopped in her tracks. "Wait a second. The reason we never went to live in a village was because you were afraid of wells?"

"And the fact ours were burnt to the ground." I muttered. "And have you seen how tiny that space is? What if you fell in? What if there was a mob in there before you? And how would you get out?"

Ana shook her head slowly. "Unbelievable." She said, and resumed walking. I shrugged at Amber, who was sniggering softly. Silence enfolded us, and I looked up at the ceiling, wondering if it was going to come crashing down on us at any moment.

Then suddenly my vision flickered, and I was looking up at the earth, but it was pressing down on me, and I was clawing at it, trying to breathe. A voice spat, "This is for helping them escape. Rot in the Nether, traitor." And suddenly more dirt was raining down on me, falling into my mouth when I opened it to scream...

I flinched as the vision disappeared. I could still taste the dirt, feel its pressure on my skin, and I resisted the urge to claw at the tunnel to escape. My claustrophobia tightened around my neck like a vice, constricting my breathing.

Then Ana suddenly froze. "Tash is right here. It's..." she closed her eyes, like she was concentrating. "She's in the Wither's Chamber." Then she opened her eyes, a concerned look on her face. "I don't know how I know that."

I felt a chill run up my spine, and this time it wasn't because of the tunnel. "If she's in there, and they're planning on raising the Wither, they'll be making her do the first part, to test her. Which means she'll be exposed."

I snapped my fingers at Ana. "Tell me what's going on." She closed her eyes again, then snapped open in alarm. "They're bringing the Wither out, and this other lady's asking Tash if she wants to start off the Ritual."

I swore quietly under my breath. "Quick. Paper and quill." I ordered. Ana frowned. "Why?" "Just give it to me, or Tash will die!" I snapped, and within seconds the things I needed were in my hands.

I scribbled furiously, not thinking, just letting instinct and my telepathy guide my hand. Within moments, my handwriting covered the page, and I shoved it into Ana's hands. "Get her to say this out loud, then smear blood on her face."

She complied without question, and there were a few tense minutes of silence. Then there was a sigh of relief from Ana, and she nodded to us. "She's in the clear." I let out a whoosh of air. "Sorry about that. It's just you don't get second chances with the Dark Souls. They would've killed her on the spot."

Then it was my turn to frown. "Alright, how did I know that?" Ana and I exchanged worried glances, but Amber shrugged. "Just intuition, right?"

"Right." I repeated, but not believing it. "Intuition." Then I sat down, crossing my legs as I did so. "So, if things go wrong, which knowing Tash - scrap that, knowing us in general - it'll happen in the next three minutes, we wait for the signal, and then Operation Earthbound kicks into action."

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