Chapter 7: "I think things are going to get better"

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Song on the side - Landfill by Daughter

Chapter 7:

They kept me in the hospital for a week just to make sure I was stable and told me I had to attend therapy once a week for the next two months.  Then I got to go home to lay in my bed… Of course I was still in this deep depression but seeing and speaking to Harry started to turn me around. 

As soon as I stepped out of the hospital, I stopped and took in a deep breath and felt the sun warm my skin.  The boys stopped and gave me a look but I just kept walking to the car.  When we made it to my house none of the boys left, they each stayed and made dinner with me to make sure I was okay. 

After dinner they each gave me a hug and said they had to go but Louis looked like he didn’t want to leave at all.  I gave him a reassuring hug.

“Louis I promise to stay…”  I whispered to him.  He looked me in the eye searching for truth and eventually turned around finding what he was looking for. 

Once they were out the door, I let out a deep breath and made my way to my room.  I changed into pjs and climbed into bed, letting the darkness over take me.

“Cora!  Stop it!  It really isn’t funny at all!”  Harry yelled at me with a stern look but a smile breaking through.  I took another step towards him with the frosting covered spoon and dabbed his nose with the spoon.  He stopped and stared at me, looking angry.  He started moving towards me slowly.

“Harry…What are you doing?” I asked worried.  He kept coming towards me till I was backed up to the wall and he was standing so close our chests touched, grabbing the spoon from me.  “Harry…”  I warned barely above a whisper. 

Taking the spoon, he moved it across my lips and my neck, bending down to my lips he kissed me gently, getting the frosting from my lips and then leaving a trail of kisses from my lips to my neck.  He licked the frosting from my neck making me gasp.  I heard him chuckle quietly and stand back up to look me in the eyes, I leaned forward and pecked his nose with my lips getting the frosting off it. 

We were both smiling very broadly and then I noticed the smell of something burning. “Shit. The cake!”  I exclaimed rushing towards the stove, opening it, I saw the cake completely burnt.  My shoulders slumped in defeat.  Harry came over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

“Love, its okay I didn’t want a cake anyway.”  He whispers into my ear.

“But Harry its your birthday, cake is an obvious tradition on birthdays!  Ugh…I’m the worst girlfriend…”  I said moving from Harry’s hold and leaning on the counter with my head in my hands.

“Cora, you burnt a cake, that doesn’t exactly make you the worst girlfirned, it just makes you the worst chef...”  He said grabbing my hand, pulling me into a hug and pecking my cheek. 

“Did you know that you’re the best boyfriend ever?”  I asked staring into his green eyes.  He smirked looking down into my hazel ones.

“I had a feeling.  Now come on, lets go out to eat!”  He cheered getting his keys, heading out the door.

 Throughout the night, I had multiple dreams of Harry and I, so I didn’t really get all that much sleep.  I woke to the sound of my cell ringing.


“Morning, wanna get breakfast?”  The familiar Irish voice asked me.

“I don’t really feel up to it.” 

“I’ll be there in 10 minutes, get ready.”  He hung up before I could respond.  Sighing, I got up out of bed and went to take a shower.  I put on dark blue skinny jeans, that were now to big for me from losing so much weight, a Ramones T-shirt, and a big cardigan sweater. 

Niall knocked on the door and didn’t even wait for me to answer it, he just walked right in.  I need to change my locks…  All the boys had a key to my house. 

“ I didn’t think you would actually get up.”  He said honestly, with surprise evident in his eyes.

I laughed with no humor, “I didn’t want to but I figured you were going to probably yank me out of bed if I didn’t.”  I said while grabbing my bag heading out the door.

“Where are we going for breakfast?”  I asked.

“McDonalds” Niall answered happily.

“You’re in a good mood.”

“I think things are going to start to get better.”  He said looking down at the ground.

“Why do you think that?”

“Well, one, you actually got up today and got ready.”  I rolled my eyes at that statement.  “Plus, I had a dream about Harry last night.  He kept telling me everything was going to get better…”  He said with a distant look in his eyes.

I stopped and looked up at Niall.  “I hope they do, Niall.”  I said honestly.

He took my hand and we walked in silence the rest of the way to McDonalds.  Once we got there, we ordered and took a seat.  Niall had his hood up and sunglasses on, hoping not to get noticed but that a little difficult know what with being a world wide celebrity and such.

Two girls came up to us…

“Are you Niall Horan?”  asked the girl with short blond hair and striking grey eyes.

Niall turned to her and gave a small smile, “Yup.”

“Can we get an autograph?”  The other girl with long black hair and green eyes asked.

“Yeah no problem.”  They gave him a marker and had him sign their cell phone cases, not the strangest thing he has ever been asked to sign…  “So, whats your names?”

“I’m Carrie.”  The Blonde said.  “Rosie.”  The girl with the black hair said. I couldn’t stop staring at her green eyes, they reminded me of Harry’s eyes.  They realized that I was sitting with Niall and they had a shocked look on their faces.

“You’re Cora Thoma!”  Carrie said pointing at me.

“Yeah, Hi.  Nice to meet you.”  I said with a small wave.

“We’re sorry to hear about Harry…” Rosie started to say slowly.

Niall cleared his throat, “Thanks, that means a lot.”  He said slightly awkwardly.  He had never been very good with keeping his emotions in check.  I couldn’t even speak…

“It was really awful to hear.  I don’t mean to pry…but did you know why he did it?”  Carrie asked.  I could have sworn I saw her look my way when she asked it.  A silent tear slide down my face.

“We don’t really know.  It was as much a surprise for us as everyone else.”  Niall answered looking down.

“Oh, okay.  Well we should probably go.”  Rosie said feeling the tension in the air.  She grabbed her friends hand and they started walking away.  I could hear her whisper to Carrie, “I heard that she broke up with him because she was cheating and he couldn’t take it so he over dosed.  Then she slit her wrists but that bac…” 

I couldn’t hear anything after that, they were too far away, all I know is that, people were creating rumors and they probably hated me.  Even more than originally…

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