Chapter 11: "This Is Me Letting You Go"

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  Song on the side- Ho Hey by The Lumineers


Cora’s POV

I had been doing so well that whole week, covering up how I was feeling.  Liam and Louis would always give each other looks whenever I acted even a bit off.  I know they are just worried for me but it was starting to drive me crazy.  Zayn was treating me the same as them, being extra careful, as if I was going to shatter from the breeze.  There were times when he acted how he use to be with me, I really appreciated that. 

I heard Zayn hum Harry’s song, it had been stuck in my head all week.  When I heard it I couldn’t help but get a little upset.  Not angry, just sad and disappointed.  Disappointed that it was Zayn humming it and not Harry.

Niall thankfully hadn’t, honestly, been treating me differently.  I could kiss that kid!  He had been so sweet and caring with me.  Don’t get me wrong the other boys had been too.  I wish they wouldn’t care for me so much because I am just going to hurt them again somehow… 

The day of the interview I had been having an exceptionally good day.  There weren’t any reminders of Harry that would have set me off.  Well, there weren’t until the interview.  It was hard to sit through because the interviewer asked a handful of questions about Harry and then as soon as she brought me up, I lost it. 

It felt like someone was strangling me and I needed to get out.  I ran out of the house and kept running till my throat felt like it was onfire and I didn’t feel as suffocated anymore.  Once I calmed down a bit I realized that I didn’t grab a coat and finally felt the biting cold on my exposed skin.  I dropped to the ground, not really caring where I was, and froze till I felt my phone vibrate.

“H-hello?”  I stuttered out.

“Where are you?”  I heard Liam on the other end, sounding anxious.  Great I’ve done it again.  Made them worry, when they really shouldn’t.

“I don’t know…I’m by the Hudson Park, I think.”  I said numbly.

“I’ll be there in a second.”  He said abruptly and I heard the other end click.  I let out a shaky breath, patiently awaiting the moment I see the boys worried faces.

After a few minutes Liam came rushing around the corner, I looked up at him the same second his eyes moved down towards mine.  His shoulders slumped and he let out a quiet sigh.  “Come on Cora, lets get back.”  I got up and he put his arm around me to try to warm me.

“Thank you Liam.”   Liam just sighed in response.  I can tell that he is getting tired of coming to my rescue.

When we got back to the flat, all the guys were worried but I was just tired, so I asked to go to bed.  I wanted to stay with Niall because I knew he wouldn’t press the subject…

“Thank you again Niall, you’re kind of like my prince charming.”  I said, turning to face him.  I learned over these past week that I had feelings for Niall but I couldn’t do that to myself.  I didn’t want to get hurt again and I didn’t want to hurt Niall because I knew somehow I would hurt him.  One way or another.

“You’re welcome and I’m glad I can be you prince charming.”  His sleepy, Irish voice said back to me.  I leaned in and kissed his cheek, knowing that that would never be enough to let him know how much he means to me.  “Good night.”  I whispered, snuggling into his chest.  He kissed the top of my head, “Good night.”


“My sweet Cora.”  I heard the familiar whisper.  Opening my eyes, I had to shut them right away from the intensity of the light.  I slowly opened my eyes this time taking in my surroundings.  I was sat in a green vibrant forest with the bright sun cascading through the hundreds of branches.  Everything looked whimsical and brought a smile to my face, I’m not quit sure why but this place was very familiar. 

I sat up, hearing a branch to my left snap.  “Who’s there?”  In response to my question, I heard a quiet chuckle.

“Hello?”  there wasn’t an answer.  I stood up slowly, “Who’s there?”  This time someone stepped from around one of the trees.  He gave me a warm smile.

“God dammit, Harry.   Could you do me a favor and stop haunting my dreams.”  I said, sighing.

He smirked, “Good to see you too.”  I put my head in my hands, “And to think I was doing so good…”

“This is the last time, I swear.”  My head snapped up at that sentence.  It couldn’t be the last time…

“What?”  I asked apprehensively.

“Well, I just need you to see something and then you hopefully won’t want to see me again.  You’ll be able to live a long, happy life.” 

“But what if I want to see you again.”

“You can’t keep doing this to yourself.  Look at you…My beautiful girl.  What are you doing to yourself?”  He asked sadly.

“I just can’t do this anymore.”  I said, looking down. 

“I know, that’s why I’m here one last time.”  He said, walking towards me, wrapping me in his arms.  He inhaled deeply, “I miss you so much.”

A single tear rolled down my face, “I miss you too.”  I choked out.

“I love you, so I have to let you go…This is me letting you go.”  He whispered, handing me something black and kissing the top of my head. When I felt his lips touch the top of my head there was no spark anymore, an image crossed through my mind.  It was of Niall and I, him holding me close and kissing the top of my head.  The warmth that spread throughout my body, was a little surprising.

I realized that I loved Niall as much as I loved Harry.  But I still can’t let go quiet yet…  As soon as Harry’s lips left the top of my head everything started going fuzzy…

“No Harry!  Come back!”  I shouted, sitting up.  I was breathing deeply and when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me, I flinched, finally seeing where I was and who I was with.  I looked into his shocking blue eyes, my prince charming.

Before I knew what happened, I smashed my lips onto his.  Our lips moved in sync for some time, sending tingles from my head to my toes.  Niall moved me so I was on my back and he was hovering over me.  I was getting light headed from the lack of air and that’s when he pulled back, looking deeply into my eyes.


“I just had to see something.” I whispered, and moved so that he wasn’t hovering over me anymore.

“And that would be?”  He asked, sounding a little flustered.

“If there was a spark.”  I said, turning so I wasn’t facing him anymore.  My face was burning and my heart wouldn’t stop beating so rapidly.

“Was there…?”  He asked sounding hopeful.

“Can’t say…Good night Niall.” I responded with a small smile.

“Good night Cora…” Niall said, slightly unsure, then he added, “Oh, Cora, what was your dream about?”

“I found the notebook.”  


When I woke in the morning, I turned towards a sleeping Niall and couldn’t help but stare.  He was handsome but a rare handsome where it was almost beautiful…  I wanted to peck his lips but held back the urge when I saw his eyes flutter open. 

“Morning.”  I whispered.   He smiled and leaned in, pecking me on the lips.  I was a little surprised but didn’t mind.  He got up out of bed, stretching.

“Get ready, I want to take you out and have a talk.”  He smiled and I couldn’t help but return the smile a little apprehensively.

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