Chapter 15: "Your Touch"

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 Song on the side - A Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope

Chapter 15

“Niall, give me that.”  I whispered to him with tears in my eyes.  He looked up at me but with a distant look in his eyes.  He didn’t look like himself.

Niall looked down at his hand with the clean razor in it. “It just hurts so much…”

I let out a choked sob and kneeled next to him, grabbing his hand.  “I know but you don’t have to do this.”

He stared at our intertwined hands, a small smile playing on his lips.  “That helps.”

“What helps?”  I asked him confused.

His piercing blue eyes looked directly into mine, “Your touch.”

For the first time I could see the timid boy Niall really was.  The pain he has been feeling over the past week had done its damage to him.  He was stick thin,  hollow cheeks, his normally bright blonde hair was flat and looked dead.  His eyes, thankfully, still had some life hidden in the blue depths.

I moved so I was sitting next to him, laying my head on his shoulder.  We sat in silence for a while, just listening to eachother’s even breaths.  My head moving up and down with every breath he breathed.  I will cherish each of those meniscal breathes, that mean the difference between his life and death.

“Give me the razor Niall.”  I whispered, putting my other hand out for him to lay the razor in.  He hesitated at first but gently layed the cool metal in the palm of my hand.  “Thank you.”  I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.  “By the way Niall, your wrong.”

“About?”  He asked, but his eyes were still distant like he didn’t want to come back to reality quiet yet.

“About it not mattering.  It matters.  You matter so much.  I love you.”  I turned so I was looking in his eyes but he wasn’t making eye contact with me.

“I love you too.”  He whispered after a short time of silence.  He looked into my hazel eyes.  “But you don’t love me the way I love you…” He looked back down at the tiled bathroom floor.

I grabbed his chin gently so that he had to look me in the eyes.  “You’re wrong again.”  I searched his eyes but they were guarded, like he didn’t want to believe what he was hearing.

“Niall please…Please believe me when I say that I love you the way you love me.”  A single tear fell down my cheek, he still wouldn’t look at me.  I was starting to have a hard time breathing, feeling my chest constricting from the pain I could see I his eyes.

“I understand that Harry’s gone.  I’ve come to terms with it, you helped me do that.  Just please let this work.  I know that us being apart hurts so much more than the chance that we would hurt each other.  I was stupid to have said that.”  I whimpered out, getting frustrated.

Finally, he looked into my eyes and I could see tears forming in his eyes.  Before I knew it, Niall’s lips were on mine.  It was a hard kiss that held everything we had been feeling in the past week. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck, wanting to hold him as closely as I possibly could.  We managed to stand up with out breaking apart and he picked me up, my legs wrapping around is body.  He walked us back towards his room and skillfully opened the door, laying us down on his bed, Niall just barely hovering over me.

His tongue traced my bottom lip, asking for entrance, of course I granted it to him.  Our tongues move together in a heated battle for dominance but I eventually just let him win.  His lips moved away from mine to move done and kiss my neck.   His warm lips kissed directly above my collar bone, finding my sweet spot making me gasp.  I heard him laugh slightly, then someone cleared their throat.

“Umm, Cora, this is scene is a little different then the one we were expecting to come back to.”  Louis said from the door way.  Niall and I both sat up quickly, untangling ourselves from eachother.  We were both breathing unevenly and our faces were bright red.

Louis chuckled and let out a sigh.  “Niall, mate, are you okay?  Cora made it sound like you were um, in some sort of trouble.”  Louis was tip toeing around the subject.t

“I’m okay now.”  Niall said looking over at me, making me blush an even deeper shade of red.

“Lets keep it that way, yeah?”  Louis said with sincerity.

Liam and Zayn came around the corner, looking worried.  “Niall whats going on?”  Liam asked walking over to Niall giving him a big hug. 

“Nothing, everythings okay.”  Niall said hugging him back.

“Are you sure?”  Zayn asked, noticing the tense atmosphere.

“I’m positive.”  Niall answered with an honest, happy face.  First time he had looked this happy in a while.

“Okay…”  Zayn said, obviously confused by Niall’s sudden change in moods, he shot me a quick questioning look but I just smiled at him. 

“Guys can we go get food?  I’m starving.”  Niall said sheepishly.

Everyone laughed, “Of course Niall, lets get some food in you.  You look like a stick.”  Liam said walking out the door.  I grabbed Niall’s hand and we walked out the door to the car.

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