Chapter 14: "Life's So Fragile"

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Song on the side- Blindsided by Bon Iver  (I figured I would bring Bon Iver back once again)

Chapter 14

“Louis, I love you, I love all of you guys.”  I said with a smile on my face looking down at the ground. “But I think that I should go…” 

“I don’t understand Cora…  Why?”  He asked looking at me, pained.

“I’m done hurting each of you and I think that I need to be on my own for a little while.”  I looked up at Louis, making immediate eye contact.  Not a good idea…

“You said you wouldn’t leave.”  He whispered.  I grabbed his stubble covered chin, “Louis, I’m not leaving.  You guys can visit me whenever!  I will visit you guys too! But you have to understand that things need to change.  You guys should move on with your lives.”  I said with a sigh.

It had been a week since Niall talked to me about his feelings, and since then he hasn’t spoken to me.  I would try to talk to him, talk about what happened, but he wouldn’t be in the same room as me.  He must hate me… I didn’t mean for this to happen.  Every once in a while I would catch his eyes and give him a small smile but he immediately looked away.  It tore at my heart.

One afternoon after Niall came back from a walk, I stopped him…

“Niall can we please talk?”  I begged, stepping towards him, reaching out for his hand. 

He flinched away and I stood there frozen in place. “Cora, can we just not?”  He asked looking down at the floor.

I’ve hurt him…trying to not hurt him… How can I just keep messing up so badly.

“I’m sorry Niall.  I didn’t mean for this to ruin everything.”  He looked up at me.

“Cora, you didn’t mess anything up…Its all me… I should have understood that your still not over Harry.”  He whispered, walking back towards his room. 

Not over Harry?  See that’s what he doesn’t understand…I am.

I decided that moment that I had to leave.  I couldn’t hurt the boys anymore, I loved them all to much to hurt them.  Plus, they act like they are responsible for me, I don’t want them to feel that way.  They should be living their lives.

Also, being around Niall so much physically hurt.  I missed being close to him.  So I packed my bags and bought a new apartment in the city.

Liam, Louis, and Zayn gathered outside by my car, helping me put my bags inside the trunk.  Niall wasn’t here…it didn’t surprise me.  Ever since I told them I was leaving, he had been locked up in his room, not talking to anyone.  It worried me…I just didn’t want him to do anything rash like Harry did.  I know that Niall is very, emotional…

“Thank you guys!”  I told them, turning around giving them a hug.  Each of them returning the hug very tightly.  They looked a little sad but I brushed it off because I knew that this was going to be good for them.  I walked to the driver side and opened the door. 

“Love you Cora.”  Louis, Liam, and Zayn said in unison.  It made me giggle slightly.

“I love you guys too.”  I blew them a kiss and looked up at their flat one last time.  Taking a deep breath, I turned away, shut the door, and started the car. 

The drive to my flat was quiet and uncomfortable.  These past days had been filled with endless talking but now it was quiet and I was alone.  I guess I would have to get accustomed to this.


Throwing the last empty box in the corner my flat’s living room, I moved into the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea.  Grabbing the cup, I sat on the barstool in the kitchen and admired my handy work.  The flat looked great if I do say so myself but it felt empty without the crazy boys I loved so much. 

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