Chapter 9: "Your as broken as the rest of us"

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Song on the side - Stacks by Bon Iver

Chapter 9

We all styaed at the boys flat that night, watching movies. Liam of course said the obvious choices, Toy Story... But Louis wanted to watch a scary movie, so did Zayn and Niall. I didn't honestly care what we watched. So Louis picked out Paranormal Activity.

After he put it in the dvd player, he came over and sat next to me. Niall was on the other side and Zayn and Liam were on the other couch. The beginning of the movie wasn't that bad but at the end it started to freak me out...By the end of the movie I was basically sitting on Niall's lap. When the credits were playing, I finally realized I was on his lap and almost jumped off of him...My face was blushing a severe color of red.

I could have sworn I saw a disappointed look on Niall's face but dismissed it immediately. me head was telling me to be careful but my heart was telling me to stay right in his arms...I stuck with my head. I wans't ready to like anybody again.

"Well, guys I'm tired so I'm just going to head home." I said getting up but Niall caught my hand. I froze right away, he noticed and let go. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "Its like 2 in the morning Cor, you should just stay here."

"No, its really okay. Night guys." I said giving Liam a hug.

"I think you should stay too, Cora!" Louis said. I let out a sigh but shook my head, "Fine, I'll stay the night."

"Good." Niall said with a small smile on his face.

"Well I'm heading off to bed. Night Cora." Zayn said getting up and leaving a kiss on my forehead. "Night Zayn."

"I think I'm going to bed too. Love you Cora, nighty night." Louis said giving me a hug, ruffling my hair before heading back.

"If you need anything Cora, call for me, okay?" Liam asked before giving me a small wave while heading back to his room.

And then there were two...Niall stood in the living room, shuffling his feet while looking at the floor. "Do you wanna stay in my room Cora?"

"I don't know NIall..." I said apprehensively

"Come on, what's the harm?" He asked with innocent eyes. Of course nothing was the harm but I just don't like the way I feel every time his skin touches mine...

"Okay Niall." I said and he took my hand, sending tingles all through out my body. He led me back towards his room and opened the door for me. I walked over to his bed and layed down. When I looked up at Niall, he was taking his shirt and pants off so he was only in his boxers. My face turned a bright shade of red when I caught sight of his nicely toned body...He turned around, catching my stare and he smirked. I looked away and turned around in the bed so I wouldn't be facing him.

What is this Leprechaun doing to me? He eventually got into bed with me, wrapping his arms around me. The fact that his bare chest was touching me had my face going red once agina. Actually, I don't think I ever stopped blushing.

My skin felt like it was on fire from his touch. It was driving me crazy but also comforted me. "Good night Niall." I whispered.

"Night Cora." Niall said, I felt him peck the back of my neck sending a shiver through my body. We fell asleep in eachothers arms. I had another dream but this time it was different, it wasn't a memory.

"Cora...Cora...Cora...Cora...Cora...Cora...Cora..." Someone was whispering my name over and over again, calling to me. I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around for the owner of the voice. Getting up, I realized I was still in Niall's room. My hand wrapped around the door knob and opened the door revealing the dark hallway. I turned around to look at Niall but he wasn't there. That's strange, he was there only a second ago.

Walking out into the hallway, I heard my name being whispered again and followed it down the hall a little ways. Realizing the voice was coming from Harry's room, I froze not being able to bring myself to open the door. I hadn't stepped foot in his room since it happened, I didn't want to.

The whispers were becoming louder, sounding like they wre right behind the door. Eventually, my curiosity gt the best of me and I opened the door, stepping inside the familiar room. It looked like no one had even set foot in here before me. The persistent whispering stopped and my eyes drifted around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings. My eyes landed on the corner of a notebook sticking out from under the mattress. I quickly bent down and grabbed it turning the cover over but before I could read anything my head snaped up at the sound of his voice.

He was standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets, smiling down at me. "I'm glas you found that...Please read it. maybe it will clear a few things up." Harhry turned around and walked down the hall. I got up and ran after him, dropping the notebook in the process. He wasn't in the hall, he disappeared.

Walking back to his room, I noticed the notebook was gone and I frantcally searched his room for the notebook but before I could find it...

I sat up from Niall's bed gasping for air. Looking over to wher Niall was laying, he hadn't moved an inch. I quickly got up, not caring if my movements work him up, I ran down the hall to Harry's bedroom door and whipped it open. The door slammed against the wall, the boom emanating from the impact was sure to wake on of the boys up. I lifted the mattress up looking for the notebook but it wasn't there, so I started pillaging through his whole room.

Louis ran to the door and looked into the room with a shocked expression on his face. "Cora what the heck are you doing?" He questioned.

"The notebook. I have to find the notebook, he said he was glad I found it. He said he wanted me to read it!" I was yelling, getting frustrated from not finding the notebook anywhere. Louis ran back down the hall and this time he came back with Liam.

"Cora, please calm down. Talk to us, what's going on?" Liam questiond me like I was a mental patient, maybe I am...

"God damn! Its not here...It has to be...Liam have you ever seen a black notebook in here?" I asked ripping a drawer from the desk in the corner of the room. Liam cam up behind me, pinning my arms to me.

"But Liam, the notebook! I have to find the notebook! He said it would clear everything up.' I cried out with tears forming in my eyes. Liam took me back into Niall's room and laid me down next to a confused Niall.

"Cora! Plesae get a grip! He didn't tell you anything, you were imagining it! Harry is GONE, he is not coming back! This notebook your talking about, its not real! Its a figment of your imagination. Just get this through your head, Harry. Is. Gone. And. There. Is. Nothing. You. Can. Do." Liam yelled at me, emphasizing every word in the last sentence. I saw Louis standing in the doorfram flinch from the impact of Liam's words. He had a worried look in his face, as if for seeing for the first time how badly off I was. "You were doing so well today...Can you please just be like that? The old you?" Liam begged, getting on his knees beside the bed to be eye level with me. I just stared at him...Finally, I shook my head realizing how crazy I've been acting.

Liam hugged me and left the room not saying anything else. Louis stayed where he was for a little while longer till he couldn't look at me anymore. I finally let the tears fall down my face. "I'm sorry Niall, I'm sorry that I'm broken, I'm so sorry." He hugged me tightly and shushed me. "Cora...Your as broken as the rest of us." He whispered to me and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The only thing I know is that I have to find that notebook...

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