Chapter 10- In The End

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I fell unconscious after the fifth stab.  I could see a little of the ally, Everything went black then conscious again repeatedly until I heard in a thick British accent, "What the...?"

-_-_-_-_-_-_- Johnny Toast POV -_-_-_-_-

  I breathed in the smell of Green Tea as I stepped into my small 2 bedroom home. It is quiet fancy if I must say so myself. Even if this is a bad neighborhood, it doesn't mean I can't have a nice looking house. My mum doesn't like this neighborhood, yet again.. She doesn't like my job either.
   I close the door and set my keys by the door an hung up my jacket. I walked up to the tv and turned it on. ".... Looks like it might be around 17°C so you better bring a jacket to work tomorrow! back to you Sean."

  I sighed as I waited for my tea to be ready. I heard my tea pot screaming at me telling me that it's ready. I pick it up and pour some into my tea cup then put a  Tea packet into it and a couple scoops of sugar.
   I take a sip only to gag it down. Why do I make this stuff anyways?!?! I'm not the one for green tea but my mum says it's "gentlemanly like" to drink the stuff. I do drink it though.... just with a bit of vodka in it.... What? It taste so good! But I don't bother putting in vodka today. Bring-Bring! I walk over to my phone and answer it. "Johnny Toast speaking."

  "J-Johnny! I think there's a ghost down my alley!! It keep groan about someone named Sally.. Just please come and check it out." David the old man down the road said in a small voice.

  "You're sure it's not your wife?" I asked as I took another sip of my tea.

   "I already checked she's in bed." He answered.

   "Alright." I said. "I'll see you there."

   "Thank you Johnny."

     I hung up and walked over to my door and put on my jacket then put my key in my pocket. I walked two blocks down to see David there. He wore a normal sweater an jeans with shoes. His Gray hair is almost off all of his head. "Down there." He said.

  I rolled my eyes but pulled out my Ghost-4000 to detect ghost. My device began slow then gone crazy. It says that there's two ghost here. That Can't be right. I taped it a small bit but I continued. I then followed where it's pointing. I look up "What the..."


  Jimmy... can you do one last thing for me? I asked.
What is it. he asked sounding as weak and tired as I was.
Wipe my memory. I said.
  He said nothing else. But I felt his magic I felt dizzy and my brain began to processes slowly.... I am Johnny Ghost. Paranormal Investigator. I am no longer Johnny Casket... I'm just a ghost... A ghost of what was. A ghost that's name will disappear into history like anyone else. Johnny will be what is left of me. A Ghost.

...... I'm Johnny Ghost. A kid that ran away from home. Away from something he didn't want to be. I came to England by boat & I shall die because of a insane girl....
   I tried to think about Sally but her name became smaller and smaller. I know it seems comforting... but I can't remember. Like that catchy tune that you don't know the name of. I try to think of my adventure that I had but someone else's life experience is being set as my own.... How did I get here?

  Suddenly all these questions began to fill my mind then it went silent.

_-_-_-_-_-_ Back to Mr toast...-_-_-_-_

  I snap my fingers in front of what looked like a 18 year old. He is out cold. I felt bad for the fellow so I decide to put my British skills to work! Never mind. I don't have skills.... Besides; Being part of the British army as a metic... My English skills.... My social study skills and ghost skills.

   I tried to pick him up but blood just gushed out I panicked and accidentally dropped him. But I got hold of him before he hit the ground. then set him down carefully then I called for a ambulance. "Yes, um, I would like to request a ambulance.... yeah it at..."
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Ghost-_-_-_-_-_-

  I open my eyes to see my wounds patched up. "So your awake?" I jumped at the sound of someone here.
  If I was some coward I would of dove under the covers! .... which... I did... "No! I'm not gonna hurt you." Said the man.

"I just have some questions."

  I poked my head back up from the covers. I looked at the British man. He wore a white dress shirt with a black tie with blue jeans and sneakers. His black hair is slicked back and had pale olive skin with brown eyes. "What are they?" I jumped at my own voice, it sounded raspy and it felt dry. I found a cup that I guess is mine. "Who are you?" He asked.

  I gulped down my water then replied. "Johnny Ghost. I would asked the same of you."

   He raised one of his eyebrows "My name is Johnny Toast. It is a pleasure." He said giving me a hand to shake.

  I shook it after telling him that he doesn't have to be traditional."Yeah that's just how my mum told me to do." He said.

"Don't you mean 'Mom'?" I asked.

  "Yeah. That's what I just said; Mum."

   I mentally facepalmed but we talked for a little. I told him my back story: I am rich kid that ran away from home because I wanted to look for adventure. air traveled and investigated different haunted houses and places. I came to England because I wanted to explore outside of my country. That's when I was stabbed by a sycophantic girl.

"Sounds like quiet a adventure you had." Toast said.

"It was. A little boy even thought I was you." I said with a small laugh.

  "Speaking of which.... Do you want to join me in my adventures as friends." He asked.

  "Why not! But dude, we've got to change the name." I stated.

   "Then what should it be called?" He asked. "Because PUB was kind of hard to think of."

    "Hmm.." I thought "How about PIE?"

    "Yeah. But what will it mean Sir?" He asked.

   "Toast you don't have to called me sir and how about Paranormal Investigator Exstrotanare?"

    He smiled and nodded. I knew that this would be a great start to a friendship.


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