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[we are in a new day here in my country. So let's continue] 🤣🤣

"I thought you were an angel. But seeing you landing, you really just a pig. A. Beau.tiful. Pig. Kekekeke." He laugh, clapping his hands, as it was his habits.

Seokjin pouts, shot a glare at his best friend, Jung Hoseok, or he call him as Hobi.

"Owww...." Seokjin's groaning. He try to get up but he hit hard on the ground. He felt numb at his buttocks.

"Err... Are you okay, Seokjinnie?" Hobi asked, just realised that his best friend are in pain.

"You almost kill me!" He suddenly snap at the sunshine.

"Hic!" Hobi hiccup, surprised when Seokjin yelled at him.

"Hic!" He's getting teary.

Seokjin was never get mad at him. This is the first time and he's not ready for that, yet.

"Hic! I.. I'm sorry...!" He burst in tears, running away from Seokjin.

"Ah Hobi-!" Seokjin calling him but he was too far already.

Tbc ... 152

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