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"Why isn't there anybody's normal here???" Jungkook questioned the whole attendees, but nobody's dare to answer him.

"" once again, the tiny may rises his hand.

"You are the worst here! Now set him free!"

Jungkook was so clueless. Just why is this day giving him so much headache?

He was already occupied with a fiancé who's planned to elope with another guy. And now, this BDSM things!

"What a freak!" Said Seokjin, glaring at Jungkook once free from the tied. He rub his wrist to ease the pain from being tied up.

"Ha.. Pardon?" Jungkook blinks. Just why did Seokjin shot him that glance?

He's not the one who set him up like that!

"I said you are a freak, maniac! Psycho!"

"Okay. I am so done. Sir priest, can we continue? I really need to end it quickly."

The priest nods.

"And you, what's your name?" He shift his sight to the tiny man.

"Who? Me??"

"No. That lady behind you. Of course its you! I am talking to you!"

Tbc  173

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