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"Did you found him?"

"No. He didn't even pick up my call!"

"Where are you, Jinnie...?!"

"Calm down. Let's think. Where usually would he be at the time like this?"


"Hobi, let's opted out that option. We wouldn't be worry like this if Mr. Jeon didn't call you and tell you that he's not at home!"

"Ah.. then.. shopping...?"

"Jung Hoseok! Which mall is still open at 1am??"

Hoseok shrugs, hugging his knees, curls into a cute mini Hoseok.

Jimin rubbing his chin. Yoongi scowled at himself defiantly.

"Did he has any other friends except us?"

"Us? Who's us? I am his only friend!" Hoseok stand up. He dislike the ideas of Yoongi exclaimed himself as one of Seokjin's friend.

He was with Seokjin since childhood up until now. Only him. Not Yoongi. Not Jimin. They're only his acquittances.

"I am his friend too!" Said Yoongi, don't wanna be left out.

"Hey, stop it, okay? I dont care who's his friend, that doesn't matter! Seokjin is missing and you both arguing that? Seriously??!!" Jimin snapped. Blood vein can be seen clearly poking his neck skin.

"Now are you joining me or not?"

"Where?" Asked Yoongi and Hoseok, in perfect unison.

"Where else? Looking for Seokjin, of course!"

Tbc 207
Jo, 3105, 0207h

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