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Alarm clock has been ringing for a long time, but Seokjin didn't move even a muscle.

He's sweating, frowning. Eyes moving under the lids with lips trembling.

His skin complexion is pale as if there's no blood circulating in his body.

Ringggg! Ringggg!

His phone's ringing. Taehyung name's appear on the screen. He don't have any energy to answer the call. Therefore, the phone goes silent after a while.


A new message received.

Slowly, he try to move, but his body was too heavy and he fall back on the bed.


The sun has set and the moon has rise. Jungkook finally arrived home after three days travelled to another country.

The house was dark. He sigh, thinking that Seokjin maybe going out with his friends or his brothers. But he wont be like it if it's Namjoon.

He go straight to his room when he sees Seokjin's room is dark. After an hour, he get out, going down to the kitchen to have a drink.


Suddenly he hear noises coming from the upstairs, exactly from Seokjin's room.

He put the banana milk bottle on the table and carefully take the knife out from the drawer.

Tbc, 204
Jo, 3005, 1427h

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