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He walks out from the church, joining the guests having their meals.

He greeted them, having small conversation and exchange laughters.


Seokjin turns. Taehyung standing so close to him that their head almost bump into each others.

"Why didn't you come? I've waited at the piers for two hours." Said Taehyung with a low hoarse tones.

"I.. I was caught.." Seokjin looks away, feeling guilty.

"Its still not too late. Let's go. We still have times before the ship's boarding." Taehyung grab his wrist.

"No, I can't. I've married-!" He pull back.

"I don't care. You can send the divorce paper through the mail."

"Oh, we can do that??"

Taehyung scoffed, catching up to him. "Oh God, you are so innocent. Of course. We are living in a modern life, Jinnie." He pat his head.

"Wait, I'll go get my backpack."

"Oh, so, is this the man that you want to run away with? Your own brother? What a brother complex! So funny!"

Jungkook suddenly appear, mocking Seokjin and Taehyung.

"What do you mean brother complex??"

Tbc 177

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