After the kiss

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Pipers POV:
I can't believe it! Finn kissed me! How could he do this, my best friend is his girlfriend! When I confessed my feelings I was expecting to be shut down but instead he kissed me. Suddenly I realised I was still standing there, my face in his hands. He was looking at me, concerned. I pulled away saying "no, no, no." He shouldn't have done this. I should of pulled away! I spoke in a whisper to fill the awkward silence "let's pretend that never happened, we can't do this to Amy." I grabbed my sandwich from my locker, slammed the door and ran out before Finn could say another word.

Finn's POV:
Piper confessed her feelings for me! And I kissed her! After I pulled away I could see she was beginning to panic. I wanted to comfort her but I knew it would only make things worse. She muttered something about Amy before running out. Oh god. AMY. I sank down onto a bench and put my head in my hands. How could I have done this? I stood up and went to leave but Amy entered. She said worriedly, " I just saw Piper run out, is everything ok?" I panicked and blurted out, "her cat just died." She looked at me funny and then shook her head, "I'm sure she's fine. Do you want to go out after rehearsal?" How could I after I just kissed Piper? I denied and quickly left leaving a very confused Amy behind.

Piper's POV:
When lunch ended and I went back to Studio A everyone was stretching and warming up. I glanced over at Finn but he seemed to be in his head not talking to anyone. I slid my gaze over to Amy but she was busy talking to Henry. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Our secret was still safe. I looked up as Nick entered the room. He explained to us that a DanceMania film crew was coming in to film some behind the scenes footage so they could see what The Next Step was all about. The film crew entered and we all waved at the camera. The man who appeared to be heading the operation told us off. I cringed slightly, I hated being told off. He announced that we would be split in half to do a dancing exercise. He counted out 5 people than explained that they would be one group while everyone else was another. I looked nervously over at Finn when I realised we were in the same group. He looked back at me ruefully before glancing over at Amy. My stomach lurched when I saw she was in the same group as well. Looks like it's going to be a lot harder than I thought avoiding Finn today.

Finn's POV:
I realised with dread churning in my stomach that this accidental love triangle I found myself in was only going to get worse as we had to work closely together today.

Amy's POV:
I bounced up to my group, always bubbly. This was going to be so fun! I had my boyfriend and my best friend as well as Kenzie and Richelle who were both amazing dancers. We were handed a slip of paper saying we had to make up a small group dance with a duet section in it. Everyone immediately looked towards me and Finn apart from Piper who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with everyone. I shook my head and quickly explained that I was very thankful that they had thought of me but I was new again to the studio so the position should go to Piper. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Piper wince slightly but decided not to mention it. Kenzie and Richelle agreed so we began to walk through a routine. The concept was going to be about two lovers who could not be together however much they wanted it. When we got to the duet section Finn and Piper did some choreography but it was a little off. The chemistry was there, it always was, but there seemed to be something holding them back from really throwing themselves into the dance. I wrinkled my forehead in confusion but still decided to leave it. Eventually we headed back to Studio A when time was called.

Finn's POV:
As the music started we began our dance. The small group sections were perfect but my nerves began to jingle as we got closer and closer to the duet section. Piper launched herself at me and I swung her into an impressive lift. An audible gasp was heard from the onlookers. Even the rest of our group still found it breathtaking every single time. I let her down and she turned while I flipped. We got half way through the dance when we came to the pause in the dance. Here, Piper and I, stood with our faces centimetres apart with my hands around her waist and her arms around my neck. We had to gaze longingly and lovingly into each other's eyes. In that moment I wanted to kiss her so badly but I couldn't. I leant in, I couldn't restrain myself but the beat dropped and the moment was broken as we carried on.

Piper's POV:
The pause. The bit I was dreading. I was too close to Finn for comfort. He leant in even though Amy was right there. He seemed to be caught in a moment where his true feelings towards me came out. I also leant in, suddenly not caring about the consequences but the beat dropped and I pulled away, guilt gnawing at me. In my peripheral vision I saw Amy looking confused and angry. I felt panic rising in me and just as we reached the end where Finn leant me down, I stumbled and lost trust in Finn. I fell, tumbling out of his arms. My cheeks flames red as I got up and ran out

A/n: Hi guys! This is my first book so I hope you like it! I'm trying to tell the story of what I think could happen in TNS Season 7B with Pinn. I'll try to update as much as possible but the next update might not be as long. I'd appreciate any feedback you have for me and would love to hear your own theories!

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